Page 55 - IKA_SUPPORT_WINTER_2016_WEB_Layout 1
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Hello from Donegal. Hope this winter
edition of SUPPORT finds you all well?
Our last Donegal branch meeting of
2016 was held on November 28th.
Christmas cards were also sold on the
Our 2017 meetings will resume at
the end of January or mid-February
depending on our Donegal weather.
Fr Pierce Cromac Donal O’Flynn
I would like to take this opportunity
to thank everyone who volunteered their
time to the Branch during the year.
Whether it was a coffee morning, a quiz
or any fundraising / awareness event,
your help is very much appreciated.
Thank you to all who help during
Organ Donor Awareness Week each year
and with the Churchgate collections.
Without your help we would not have
such a successful branch.
We were very sad to hear of the
passing of Ralph Thomson who was a
dear friend and long-time Treasurer of
the Donegal branch. Ralph dedicated
much of his time, voluntarily, to his role
as Treasurer, making sure the books were
delivered on time. Condolences to his
Willie O’Halloran O’Leary Family wife Ann and family and friends. May
the year for promoting organ donor election year for Branch Officers. you rest in peace Ralph and ‘thank you’
awareness and it requires your help. The AGM will take place in April for all you did for the Donegal branch.
We need people in every town and (date to be confirmed) and any Condolences also to all those families
village in the county. If you can member who might be interested in and friends who will be missing a loved
organise to collect at your local becoming involved in the branch and one this year at the Christmas family
shopping centre or supermarket running for election as a Branch table.
make sure to request their permission Officer or as Board Member, at Congratulations to those who
to do so well in advance. national level, can contact any one of received the ‘gift of life’ and please God
the Officers to discuss further and may it bring you years of health and
AGM 2017 obtain more information as to what happiness.
Next year’s Cork AGM is an is involved. A happy Christmas and many thanks
go to all nephrologists, nurses and staff
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 2017 in the dialysis units and to the staff in
Organ Donor Awareness Week – April 1st-8th. Donor House and the Renal Support
Annual Golf Classic – Mitchelstown Golf Club – May 26th. Centre, from the Committee and
World Transplant Games – Malaga, June 25th to July 2nd. members of Donegal branch.