Page 52 - IKA_SUPPORT_WINTER_2016_WEB_Layout 1
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Happy Christmas to all our readers,
members and friends. It has been
another busy year for the branch and
our many volunteers throughout the
county. The work of the branch is
never done and the officers are
constantly striving to benefit those
patients, in the Cork area, suffering
from End Stage Kidney Failure. As a
patient advocate group our sole aim is
to look after their interests.
Ken Savage and Sean Burton from Musgraves present the cheque to Margo McCarthy
Our year has been hectic as normal. On Saturday October 8th we held
We have participated in talks with our bi-annual Information Day. This
Medical Students in UCC, in schools year we were privileged to have five
all over the county and in industry as excellent speakers. A large number
well. At each of these talks we have attended both the morning and
been promoting organ donor afternoon sessions.
awareness and giving personal Nurse Eileen Phelan spoke on the
experiences to emphasise the benefits of home dialysis and the
importance of organ donation. various types of dialysis available to
We were privileged to have a stand patients. Peter Pardoe and Harry Ward
at the Independence Music Festival in spoke on the ‘Wellness’ Programme.
Mitchelstown, where volunteers had They explained how the programme
the opportunity to speak to a very works and the benefits to patients and
young audience. to those suffering from a chronic
Our first Golf Classic was held in to expand this area into a little illness.
July. We were delighted with the Garden of Remembrance. Regina Reynolds brought us right
response we received from sponsors Well done to our branch members, through the transplantation process.
and golfers alike. Once again we had Siobhan Buckley and her husband This was a fascinating and informative
a very successful day promoting organ Aidan who held two very successful presentation both for those who have
donor awareness. coffee mornings earlier this year. Your been transplanted and those waiting
One of our highlights of the year efforts are much appreciated. for that magic call. Regina explained
was when one of our members, Eilish We also held our annual BBQ what happens from the moment they
Leader, whose father Padraig is a which was well supported, and the get a call from a donor hospital to the
transplant recipient, swam the English weather was reasonably kind to us. time the patient is transplanted.
Channel to raise funds and promote In July Dr. Sinead Kinsella passed Dr. Catherine Gleeson spoke on the
organ donor awareness. Eilish and her away. Sinead was a wonderful doctor importance of skin care before and
fellow swimmers received both local and a wonderful friend to all who after transplantation. This presentation
and national coverage during the knew her. had generated a lot of interest and
preparations and the swim itself. The branch provided 170 sets of Catherine certainly gave everybody
A tree was planted in Mallow to earphones for the patients in the present plenty to think about, from
start Organ Donor Awareness Week. dialysis ward, and they were recently explaining the different types of skin
The tree was to say ‘thank you’ to all delivered to the ward. cancers to advice on the use of sun
of those families who have made the Margo McCarthy, our Treasurer, protection. This was information
decision to donate organs. We were was presented with a cheque for everyone could benefit from, not just
very privileged on the day, to have €1,400 which was raised by renal patients.
some pretty special families with us. It Musgrave’s Cycle Group in Dr. Liam Plant finished the day off
is hoped that in time we may be able September. with a presentation on what is coming
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