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                                                                   By VERA FRISBY

                                            Dungarvan, recently, and all our    sister Maureen, who was a great
                                            helpers and those who supported this  supporter of our branch and to Alma
                                            excellent fundraiser.               Hennessy on the death of her beloved
                                                                                brother John. We also extend our
                                            ANNUAL SOCIAL                       sympathy to families and friends who
                                               We will have our Annual Social   have lost loved ones throughout the
                                            early in the Spring and look forward  year. Our thoughts and prayers are
                                            to meeting everyone.                with you. May they rest in peace.

        THANK YOU                           BRANCH MEETINGS                     CHRISTMAS GREETINGS
           We had a very successful year of    Just a reminder that our branch     Christmas wishes and much
        fundraising events. Our Chairman and  meetings are held at Edmund Rice  gratitude are sent to Sr. Brenda and
        Committee would like to say a very  Heritage Centre, Barrack Street,    the staff of the Renal Dialysis Unit,
        big ‘thank you’ to all our loyal    Waterford, monthly on Tuesday       University Hospital Waterford, for all
        members and volunteers, who are     nights. Please try and come to some  the care they give to our patients
        always available to help. Without you  of the meetings, it is a great way of  throughout the year. It is very much
        we could not continue to make our   meeting fellow patients and hearing  appreciated by all.
        fundraising projects so successful and  the latest information. Our next   We would like to wish a very happy
        help to promote organ donor         meeting will be held on Tuesday     and healthy Christmas and a peaceful
        awareness. We really appreciate all  February 7th, 2017 at 7.30pm.      New Year to all patients especially
        the support which we receive                                            those in hospital at this time, to all
        throughout the year.                SYMPATHY                            our members and their families, and
           Thank you to Joe Moynihan, who      We would like to extend our      to everybody who helped and
        organised our second annual bag     deepest sympathy to John and Patsy  supported the Waterford branch
        packing event at Dunnes Stores,     Meade on the death of their beloved  during the year.


                                               By VALERIE BRADY

         Hello to you all from the Louth/Meath branch. May we  and family members who passed away during the year.
         take this opportunity to wish all our members and    Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Our donors
         volunteers a very merry Christmas and a happy and    and their families are also never far from our thoughts and
         healthy New Year. We would like to thank all those who  we will remember them in a special way this Christmas
         helped and supported the Association over the past   season.
         12 months. Your kindness was very much appreciated.    The next meeting of the Louth/Meath branch will be
         Keep up the good work!                               held in the Balreask Arms (Teach na Teamrach) on Tuesday
            The Enfield branch of Macra Na Feirme raised €1000  January 10th, 2017. If you need to contact the branch
         for the Association during two events held recently...a Mr  over the Christmas period our Committee members can
         & Mrs Night in Trim and a summer event in Longwood.  be contacted on:-
         Well done to all involved!                           Valerie Brady     (Chairperson)    086-3186757
                                        Gerard Bradley, Navan  Anne McGivney    (Treasurer)      087-2976876
                                     recently took part in the  Mary Traynor    (Secretary)      089-4348086
                                     Dublin City Marathon, in   Alternatively you can reach us by sending a message to
                                     aid of the IKA. A        our Facebook page...Louth/Meath IKA page –
                                     personal family          @louthmeathika.
                                     connection with renal      We look forward to seeing you all in 2017.
                                     failure prompted Gerard    Nollaig Shona Daoibh.
                                     to undertake this
                                     amazing challenge.
                                     Congratulations and well
                                     done from everyone in
                                     the branch.
            We held our Christmas meeting/social in Muldoons in
         Ardee on December 3rd. A great night was had by all in
            As 2016 draws to a close, we remember those branch

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