Page 135 - Sex Manual Ebook
P. 135

the next few days (though you may continue to see a ferning pattern up

                   to two days after ovulation).

                                            How accurate are ovulation kits?

                   Urine-based LH tests are more accurate than salivary ferning kits, but

                   they're not foolproof. Follow the instructions on your kit carefully for

                   the most accurate results. Make sure you use the test at the time of day

                   recommended, and read the results within the timing window specified.

                   Also, keep in mind that because LH can surge with or without the

                   release of an egg, the tests can't tell you for sure whether you've

                   ovulated. Most important, don't use these kits to try to avoid

                   pregnancy, since you won't know exactly when you've ovulated or when

                   your fertile window has closed for that cycle. Salivary ferning tests are

                   less accurate than urine tests. Ferning may happen as early as six days

                   before you ovulate as well as at other times in your menstrual cycle,

                   particularly if you're taking the fertility drug Clomid (clomiphene). It

                   may also be hard to recognize whether ferning has happened on the test

                   slide. If you have poor eyesight, salivary ferning kits may not be the best

                   method for you. Taking Clomid or drugs containing human chorionic

                   gonadotropin (hCG) or LH can affect results for both salivary ferning

                   and urine-based tests. Ask your provider whether you need to stop
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