Page 136 - Sex Manual Ebook
P. 136

taking certain drugs before using these tests. Finally, OPKs are not

                   likely to be accurate for women who are nearing menopause or have

                   polycystic ovarian syndrome.

                                     How much do ovulation predictor kits cost?

                   Urine-based OPKs cost between 600 Baht and 1700 Baht and contain

                   between five and 20 test sticks. Most brands offer the same level of

                   reliability, so pick the one that offers you the most test sticks for the

                   least amount of money.

                   Once you detect your surge, you can stop testing for that cycle and save

                   any unused test sticks for the following month (unless you conceive, of

                   course). Salivary ferning OPKs can be a better value. After the initial

                   outlay of about 1000 Baht for the microscope, you should be able to test

                   again and again. If it takes you a long time to conceive, you may have to

                   replace the kit with a new one after about two years, depending on the


                    3) Chart your ovulation symptoms

                        You can also track subtle changes in your basal body temperature

                       (BBT) and cervical mucus for a few cycles to try to determine when

                       you ovulate. If you pay attention to these clues and note them on a

                       chart or app, you may see a pattern that can help you predict when
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