Page 24 - MTAA 2019 Federal Election Final _Neat
P. 24
6. Policy and regulatory reform
Outcome Required
Policy reform across a range of areas COSTLY PLACE FOR SMALL
impacting automotive and small BUSINESSES TO HIRE, RETAIN
Regulatory intervention in the form of ALSO ONE OF THE MOST
three mandated Codes of Conduct to HEAVILY REGULATED
ensure fair competition, consumer LABOUR MARKETS IN THE
safety and protection and improved WORLD...”
business outcomes.
Despite its economic significance, the automotive sector continues
to struggle for appropriate recognition from government. The
large-scale contribution of the sector to the Australian economy
and the lives of every Australian demands that the industry be
taken seriously by policymakers and the government of the day.
This is particularly important as the industry makes the transition
to new technologies and those changes impact the mobility of all
Australians. The wider uptake of electric, connected and
autonomous vehicles is expected to significantly disrupt the
automotive industry’s structure and business models. This
disruption will have implications for urban infrastructure, skill
requirements and government revenue streams – all of which
require forward planning and policy debate.
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