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N o te : C S C M e m o ra n d u m C ircu lar No. 6, s. 2 0 1 2 , p. 7 (G u id elines on the E s tab lish m en t o f A g en cy S P M S ) p ro vid es that, “U nless the w o rk o u tp ut o f a p articular d u ty h a s b een a s s ig n e d p re-set
s ta n d a rd s b y m an a g e m e n t, its standards sh all b e a g re e d upon b y the supervisors a n d the ra te e s ”. Thus, p erfo rm an ce standards fo r co re o r support functions p e rfo rm e d b y e m p lo y e e s that a re
n o t fo u n d in this T able o f R efe re n c e shall b e a g re e d upon b y the supervisor a n d the em ployee. _____________________________________________________________________________
M eans of
Performance Responsible Verification
KRA Objectives Program Projects/Activities
Indicator Delivery Unit (Supporting
Percentage increase OVPAA, OCA AEP Form 5 -
in the percentage of Graduate School
graduate student Students Enrolled in
population enrolled Research Degree
in research degree Program
3. Conservation To intensify Research ■ Submission of proposals for No. of proposals OVPRDET Transmittal letter
of the Cultural conservation of the Program external funding towards submitted to intensify duly received
Heritage rich cultural the conservation and conservation of the
through heritage management of the Ifugao cultural heritage
Research Rice Terraces (IRT) through research
■ Roll out of researches
related to conservation and No. of IK research OVPRDET, OCA Summary Report
development at the centers established certified true and
community level correct by the HDU
■ Documentation,
identification and
assessm ent of culture and
indigenous agricultural
systems and technologies
■ Linkaging
■ Promotion of indigenous
knowledge and other
related field of studies,
research and other activities
for the development and
preservation of the Filipino
language and other ethnic
or local languages in the