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N o te :  C S C   M e m o ra n d u m   C irc u la r N o.  6,  s.  2 0 1 2 ,  p.  7 (G u id elin es on  the  E sta b lis h m e n t o f A g e n c y  S P M S )  provides that,  “U nless  th e  w o rk o u tput  o f a  p articu lar d u ty h as  b e e n   assig n ed  p re -s e t
 s ta n d a rd s  b y m an a g e m e n t,  its  stan d ard s  shall be  a g re e d  upon  b y  the  supervisors  a n d  th e   ra te e s ”.  Thus,  p erfo rm an ce  stan d ard s fo r co re  o r support  functions p e rfo rm e d  b y  e m p lo yees  th a t are
 n o t fo u n d  in  this  T able  o f R e fe re n c e   shall b e  a g re e d  upon  b y th e  su perviso r a n d  the  em p lo yee._____________ _________________ _________ _
                                            Means of Verification
        Performance         Responsible
 KRA  Objectives  Program  Projects/Activities    (Supporting
          Indicator        Delivery Unit
     No. of technology    OVPRDET, OCA      DET FORM
     packaged (new)

 2.  Volunteer   To create a widely shared   Extension  •  Capability building   No. of policies   OVPRDET  Transmittal letter duly
 Faculty and   organizational culture that   Program  program for faculty,   proposed to create   received
 Students  encourages,  promotes, and   staff,  and students on   a widely shared
 rewards extension and   extension and   organizational
 community engagements  community engagement  culture that
 •  Provision of   encourages,
 mechanisms to   promotes,  and
 encourage, promote,   rewards extension
 and reward extension   and community
 and   community  engagements
 engagement  Number of trainees  OVPRDET, OCA  MF04_Form A-Data
     weighted by the                        on Trainings/Extension
     length of training

     Number of            OVPRDET, OCA      Summary report
     extension                              certified true and
     programs                               correct by the HDU
     organized and
     consistent with the
     SUC's mandated
     and priority

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