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N o te : C S C M e m o ra n d u m C irc u la r N o. 6, s. 2 0 1 2 , p. 7 (G u id elin es on the E sta b lis h m e n t o f A g e n c y S P M S ) provides that, “U nless th e w o rk o u tput o f a p articu lar d u ty h as b e e n assig n ed p re -s e t
s ta n d a rd s b y m an a g e m e n t, its stan d ard s shall be a g re e d upon b y the supervisors a n d th e ra te e s ”. Thus, p erfo rm an ce stan d ard s fo r co re o r support functions p e rfo rm e d b y e m p lo yees th a t are
n o t fo u n d in this T able o f R e fe re n c e shall b e a g re e d upon b y th e su perviso r a n d the em p lo yee._____________ _________________ _________ _
Means of Verification
Performance Responsible
KRA Objectives Program Projects/Activities (Supporting
Indicator Delivery Unit
No. of technology OVPRDET, OCA DET FORM
packaged (new)
2. Volunteer To create a widely shared Extension • Capability building No. of policies OVPRDET Transmittal letter duly
Faculty and organizational culture that Program program for faculty, proposed to create received
Students encourages, promotes, and staff, and students on a widely shared
rewards extension and extension and organizational
community engagements community engagement culture that
• Provision of encourages,
mechanisms to promotes, and
encourage, promote, rewards extension
and reward extension and community
and community engagements
engagement Number of trainees OVPRDET, OCA MF04_Form A-Data
weighted by the on Trainings/Extension
length of training
Number of OVPRDET, OCA Summary report
extension certified true and
programs correct by the HDU
organized and
consistent with the
SUC's mandated
and priority