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P. 187
Note. CSC Memorandum Circular No. 6, s. 2012, p. 7 (Guidelines on the Establishment of Agency SPM S) provides that, “Unless the work output of a particular duty has been assigned pre-set
standards by management, its standards shall be agreed upon by the supervisors and the ratees”. Thus, performance standards for core or support functions performed by employees that are
not found in this Table of Reference shall be agreed upon by the supervisor and the employee,
Means of Verification
KRA Objectives Program Projects/Activities Performance Responsible (Supporting
Indicator Delivery Unit
Percentage of OVPRDET, OCA DET Form
beneficiaries who
rate the training
course/s and
advisory services
as satisfactory or
higher in terms of
quality and
3. Active To Extension • Networking with LGUs, Number of active OVPRDET, OCA DET Form
Linkages establish/strengthen/sustain Program industries and other partnerships with
linkages with LGUs, stakeholders LGUs, industries,
industries, and other NGOs, NGAs,
organizations/stakeholders SMEs, and other
for resource sharing, stakeholders as a
extension program, and result of extension
service complementation activities