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N o te : C S C M e m o ra n d u m C ircu lar No. 6, s. 2 0 1 2 , p. 7 (G u idelines on the E stab lish m en t o f A g e n c y S P M S ) p rovides that, “U nless th e w ork output o f a p articu lar duty h as b een assig n ed p re -s e t
stan d a rd s b y m a n a g e m e n t, its stan d ard s s h all b e a g re e d upon b y the supervisors a n d the ra te e s ”. Thus, p erfo rm an ce standards fo r co re o r support functions p e rfo rm e d b y e m p lo y e e s that are not
fo u n d in this T ab le o f R efe re n c e shall be a g re e d upon b y the su pervisor a n d the e m p lo y e e .______ __________________________________________________________________________________________
Means of
Progra Responsible Verification
KRA Objectives Projects/Activities Performance Indicator
m Delivery Unit (Supporting
3. Conservation To intensify conservation Research ■ Submission of proposals for DRD Summary
of the of the rich cultural Program external funding towards the % of increase in research Report
Cultural heritage conservation and management collaboration and certified true
Heritage of the Ifugao Rice Terraces (IRT) networking activities and correct
through ■ Roil out of researches related to by the HDU
Research conservation and development No. of SWTC conducted DRD Summary
at the community level College Report
■ Documentation, identification certified true
and assessm ent of culture and and correct
indigenous agricultural systems by the HDU
and technologies No. of packaged and DRD Summary
■ Linkaging submitted proposals Report
■ Promotion of indigenous certified true
knowledge and other related and correct
field of studies, research and by the HDU
other activities for the No. of completed College Summary
development and preservation of researches Report
the Filipino language and other certified true
ethnic or local languages in the and correct
province by the
No. of technology-based DRD Summary
researches supported/ Report
funded certified true
and correct
by the HDU
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