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/Vote: CSC M em orandum C ircula r No. 6, s. 2012, p. 7 (G uidelines on the E stablishm ent o f A g e n cy SPM S) p rovides that, “Unless the w ork output o f a particular
d u ty has been assign e d p re -set standards b y m anagem ent, its standards shall be a gree d upon b y the supervisors and the ratees”. Thus, perform ance standards
fo r core o r support functions perfo rm ed b y em ployees that are n o t found in this Table o f R eference shall be a greed upon by the su pervisor and the em ployee.
Responsible Means of
Delivery Unit Verification
KRA Program Projects/Activities Performance Indicator Inform ation/
Minimum Target
b. Accomplished 2 days after DHRD Summary
deadline Report certified
true and correct
by the HDU
% of completion of requirements for 90% DHRD Summary
PRIME-HRM Level II Status Report certified
true and correct
by the HDU
Timeliness of submission to the 2nd Quarter DHRD Summary
President of updated/revised PRAISE Report certified
internal guidelines for approval true and correct
by the HDU
6. Tech4Dev General * Establishment of % of end-users using the priority IS 30% DPIM Summary
Administration an Integrated developed each year (specify each year) Report certified
and Support Information true and correct
Services Systems of by the HDU