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 /Vote: CSC M em orandum  C ircula r No.  6,  s.  2012,  p.  7 (G uidelines on the E stablishm ent o f A g e n cy SPM S) p rovides that,  “Unless the  w ork output o f a particular
 d u ty has been assign e d p re -set standards b y m anagem ent,  its standards shall be a gree d  upon b y the supervisors and the ratees”.  Thus,  perform ance standards
 fo r core o r support functions perfo rm ed b y em ployees that are n o t found in this  Table o f R eference shall be a greed upon by the su pervisor and the em ployee.
                                Responsible         Means of
                                Delivery Unit     Verification
 KRA  Program  Projects/Activities  Performance Indicator  Inform ation/
            Minimum Target

 b.  Accomplished  2 days after    DHRD             Summary
                deadline                         Report certified
                                                 true and correct
                                                   by the HDU
 % of completion of requirements for   90%  DHRD    Summary
 PRIME-HRM Level II Status                       Report certified
                                                 true and correct
                                                   by the HDU
 Timeliness of submission to the   2nd Quarter  DHRD  Summary
 President of updated/revised PRAISE             Report certified
 internal guidelines for approval                true and correct
                                                   by the HDU
 6.  Tech4Dev  General   *  Establishment of   % of end-users using the priority IS   30%  DPIM  Summary
 Administration   an Integrated   developed each year (specify each year)  Report certified
 and   Support   Information                     true and correct
 Services  Systems of                              by the HDU

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