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N ote: C S C M em orandum C ircular No. 6, s. 2012, p. 7 (G uidelines on the E stablishm ent o f A ge n cy SPM S) p rovide s that, “Unless the work output o f a particular
d uty has been a ssigne d pre -set standards by m anagem ent, its standards shall be a greed upon b y the supervisors and the ratees". Thus, perform ance standards
fo r core o r su pp ort functions perform ed b y em ployees that are not found in this Table o f R eference shall be a greed upon by the supervisor and the employee.
Responsible Means of
Delivery Unit Verification
KRA Program Projects/Activities Performance Indicator Inform ation/
Minimum Target
s and upgrading Timeliness of completion of the
of infrastructure following modules: (by order of priority)
projects on ICT Integrated Information Systems
■ ICT Standards:
Licensing, A. MIS
copyrighting, and 1. Profiling
patenting of 2. Higher Education Reports 2019 DPIM Summary
software 3. Research Management Report certified
developed 4. Institutional Reports true and correct
■ Enhancement of 5. Budget Annual Report by the HDU
the IFSU website 6. University Calendar event
■ Maintenance and management
upgrading of ICT 7. Electronic Bulletin Board
facilities, local 8. Document Tracking
area network 9. Digital ICT asset manage (Phase
(LAN), D
communication 10. Supplies and Inventory
systems and 11. Records system
internet services 12. Security
* Establishment of
an ICT office and B. Academics DPIM Summary
infrastructure, 1. SIAS Report certified
and a dedicated 1.1 Admission Modules 2019 4th Q true and correct
server for IFSU 1.2 Pre-Enlistment, and auto-advising 2020-2022 by the HDU
■ Refurbish/ 1.3 Class-scheduling Assistant
Modernize (Dean and Registrar) Assessment
facilities 1.4 Instructor modules: Grade entry
and Changing
1.5 Student Moule: Enrollment,
Assessment, Grades, Evaluation
and Accounts