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                              of Function
                               a.   S P F -                           Performance Measures/Standards  in term s of Quantity,  Quality, and Timeliness
                                Functions                                   Quantity                Quality               Timeliness          Responsible Units/
                                             Performance Measures
            Deliverables      b.  CF- Core                                                                                                       Individuals
                                c.  SF-
                                           Submission  of outcome-based  5 -  100% of the assigned   5- no error   5 - 3 or more days before   Program Chairperson
                                           and  updated  syllabi  in  all  the  subjects    4- with 1 error        deadline                Faculty members
                                           assigned subjects on deadline  1 -  Less than the total   3 -  with 2 errors   4 -  1to 2 days before

                                                                     number of subjects     2-with 3 errors        deadline
                                                                     assigned               1 -  with 4 or more errors  3 -  on set deadline

                                                                                                                   2 -  1to days after deadline
                                                                                                                    1 -  3 or more days after
                                           Submission  of  assessment                                              5 -  3 or more days before
                                           report  on  instruction-support                                         deadline
                                           facilities   or  proposal   for                                         4 -  1 to 2 days before
                                           consideration  in  the  Budget                                          deadline
                                           Proposal/APP on schedule.                                               3 - on set deadline

                                                                                                                   2 -  1to days after deadline
                                                                                                                    1 -  3 or more days after
                                           No. of subjects geared towards  5-1 or more subjects
                                           cultural heritage         1- 0 or none

       Develop, Review, and/or  SPF        Submission  of  proposal  for                                           5 - 3 or more days before   Dean,
       Update Curricula                    revised/updated  curricula  3                                           deadline                Program Chairperson or
                                           days  before  the  Academic                                             4 - 1 to 2 days before   Faculty assigned,
                                           Council Meeting                                                         deadline
                                                                                                                   3 - on set deadline
                                                                                                                   2 - 1 to days after deadline
                                                                                                                    1 - 3 or more days after
       Prepare and maintain   CF/SF
       the following:
          (a)  Workload                    Submission   of   individual  5-complete         5- no error             5 -  3 or more days before   Faculty Members
                                           workload                  1-incomplete           4- with 1 error        deadline                Dean/ College Secretary
                                                                                            3 - with 2 errors      4 -  1 to 2 days before   as needed
                                                                                            2-with 3 errors         deadline               Program Chairperson

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