Page 323 - Area X - G
P. 323

 of Function
 a.   S P F -    Performance Measures/Standards in term s of Quantity,  Quality, and Tim eliness
 S trategic
 P rio rity
 Functions   Quantity  Quality  Timeliness    Responsible Units/
 Performance Measures
 Deliverables  b.  C F- Core                     Individuals
 F u nctio n s
 c.  SF-
 S up p o rt
 Functio n
 3 - Submitted report (with  2 - submitted required
 certificate) on the SWT  documents 12 to 14
 attended          working days upon return
 2 -  Submitted    1 - submitted 15 days or
 documentation     more
 1 - Submitted certificate
 Note: Submission of report
 (with certificate) to HRD,
 cc campus HRD and
 immediate supervisor)
 Prepare ISO-aligned   SPF  No. of ISO aligned procedures   5- no error   5 -  3 or more days before   Assigned personnel in the
 QMS documents in   prepared  and  submitted  for   4- with 1 error   deadline  concerned office
 accordance to the   approval on set deadline  3 - with 2 errors   4 - 1 to 2 days before
 requirements of the   2-with 3 errors   deadline
 IATF  1 -  with 4 or more errors  3 - on set deadline

                   2 - 1to days after deadline
                   1 -  3 or more days after

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