Page 543 - Area X - G
P. 543

1)  % of plantilla faculty memoers with Ph D. in the
 field of specialization earned from the national
 43  university, the top 1,000 universities based on world
 ranking, or in programs with atleast level III
 accreditation or COE/COD status, in the last three
 2)  Relevant training hours attended by the faculty
 44 and staff members including attendance to
 a.   International
 b.   Regional/National
 KRA 6- Tech4Dev
 45 1)  No. of new laboratories/facilities completed
 46 2)  % of existing facilities refurbished/ upgraded
 KRA 7 -  Clean, Green, Safe, and GAD-
 Responsive University Environment
 Implementation of laws, ordinances and policies on
 environment, disaster and risk reduction, and
 Gender and Development:
 25)  % of infrastructure/facilities granted
 47 certification from evaluating bodies (e.g. building
 permit, sanitary permit, etc.)
 26)  % of GAD-attributed PPAs in Higher Education
 Program, Advanced Education Program, Research
 48 Program, Extension Program, and General
 Administration and Support Services (GASS)
 27)  No. of DRRM*-related activities in Higher
 Education Program, Advanced Education Program,
 49 Research Program,  Extension Program, and
 General Administration and Support Services
 28)  No. of EPC**-related activities in Higher
 Education Program, Advanced Education Program,
 50 Research Program,  Extension Program, and
 General Administration and Support Services
 KRA 8 -  Conservation of the Cultural Heritage

 29)  No. of administrative functions/PPA that
 51 promote the conservation of the Ifugao culture per
 administrative department
   538   539   540   541   542   543   544   545   546   547   548