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P. 548

Q   tFSUnofficial  Actual Accomplishment
                                                                                                           Year:                      Check the appropriate blank:
                                                                                                                                      ___First Q uarter
                                                                                                                                      ___A s o f Second Q uarter
                                                                                                                                          (Sem i-A nnual Assessm ent)
                                   Republic of the Philippines                                                                        ___A s o f Third Q uarter
                                 IFUGAO STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                              ___A s o f Fourth Q uarter
                                       Lamut. Ifugao
                                                                                                                                            (Semi-Annual Assessment)

                                                            OFFICE PERFORMANCE COMMITMENT AND REVIEW (OPCR)

                                                                          OPCR Form 1 - Delivery Units

          (Note:  This portion is to be signed by the concerned em ployees/officials during the target-setting.  Signature  box is provided a t the last page  o f this form for the accom plishm ent report.)
          I>_____________________________________ of__________________________________, commit to deliver and agree to be rated on the attainment of the following targets in
          accordance with the indicated measures for the period January to December_________ .

         _________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Head of Delivery Unit, i.e. VP, CA)
         Targets reviewed and approved by:

                            ____             ________ DIOSDADO M. AQUINO, Ph.D.                                    EVA MARIE CODAMON-DUGYON, Ph.D.
               (Head of Delivery Unit, i.e. VP, CA)         Chairperson, PMT                                                University President

          Rating scale:
              5- Outstanding/Best             4 - Very Satisfactory/Better          3 - Satisfactory/Good          2 - Unsatisfactory/Fair                  1  - Poor

                                                            Targets                       Division/ Section    Actual Accomplishments            Rating
          No.     PAP/ Performance Indicator              Semi-            Semi-   Alloted  Department              Semi-            Semi-  January   July to   Remarks
                                               Q1   Q2    Annual  Q3   Q4 Annual   Budget                Q1   Q2   Annual  Q3 Q4    Annual          Decem­
                                                                                            Accountable                                     to June
                                                          Total             Total                                   Total            Total            ber
          (D _____________ (?)_____________                   (3)                   (4)         (5)                     (6)                       (7)          (8)
   543   544   545   546   547   548   549   550   551   552   553