Page 553 - Area X - G
P. 553

Annual Target             Actual Accomplishment
 o O   HugaotwtunlvnttyQyiitoo.cem  Q   IPSO  curie II flg) //su^omcipipig*
                Year-                     C heck the appropriate blank:
                                           ___First Q uarter
                                           __ As o f Second Q uarter
                                               (S em i-A nnual Assessm ent)
                                           ___As o f Third Q uarter
 Republic of the Philippines
                                           __ As o f Fourth Q uarter
 Lamut.  Ifugao                                 (Semi-Annual Assessment)
 OPCR Form 2 - Service Units

 (Note:  This portion is to  be signed by the concerned em ployees/officials during the target-setting.  Signature box is provided a t the last page o f this form for the accom plishm ent report.)
 of  commit to deliver and agree to be rated on the attainment of the following targets in
 accordance with the indicated measures for the period January to December.

 ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________Head of Service Unit, i.e. Director, Dean
 Targets reviewed and approved by:

 (Head of Service Unit, i.e. Director, Dean)  (Head of Delivery Unit, i.e. VP.CED)

 Rating scale:
 5- Outstanding/Best   4 - Very Satisfactory/Better   3 - Satisfactory/Good   2 - Unsatisfactory/Fair   1 - Poor
 Targets  Division/ Section   Actual Accomplishments  Rating
 Semi-  Semi-   Alloted  Semi-          Semi-          July to
 PAP/ Performance Indicator  Department       January          Remarks
 Q1  Q2  Annual  Q3  Q4 Annual   Budget  Q1  Q2 Annual Q3  Q4 Annual  Decem­
  Accountable                                  to June
 Total  Total _         Total           Total           ber
 (D  l   (2)  (3)  (4)  (5)  (6)                    (7)           (8)

 Quarterly Report Submission:
 First Quarter  Second Quarter (Sem i-A nnual Assessm ent)  Third Quarter  xirth Quarter  (S em i-A nnual Assessm et
 Submitted by:  Submitted by:  Submitted by:  Submitted by:
   548   549   550   551   552   553   554   555   556   557   558