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P. 557

Column (1): No. - Indicate the number according to the order of the Performance Indicator
 Column (2): PAP/Performance Indicator - Indicate the following:
 Program  (i. e.  H igher Education Program ,  A dvanced Education  Program,  R esearch Program ,  Extension Program ,  Support to  Operations,  and G eneral Administration and
 Support Services) an d /o r the project an d /o r the activity under each program.
 Perform ance  Indicator - should be those agreed for  each program  as indicated in the  Table  o f Reference
 Perform ance  Indicators could be expressed in term s o f quantity,  quality,  and tim eliness as defined below;
 Q uantity Indicator - Indicates the num ber o f units o r volum e o f output delivered during a given period of time.
 Q uality Indicator - indicates how well the  output is delivered an d  how they are perceived by clients.  Com m on quality P I include accuracy or com pleteness,  safety and client
 Tim eliness - indicates a  m easure o f the availability o f the output as and w hen required by the client.  Tim eliness indicators m ay include turnaround time,  average  waiting
 time,  distance/tim e travelled by clients to receive a  service,  etc.
 Column (3): Targets - Indicate the performance targets for each Performance Indicator broken down in the four quarters of the year.
 Column (4): Alloted Budget - Cost provision for the year corresponding each program.
 Column (5): Division/Department/Section Responsible - Indicate the sub-unit of the division or department responsible for each program and performance targets

 Column (6): Actual Accomplishments - Indicate the actual accomplishments at the end of each quarter. These are achievements of the quarterly targets to achieve the annual
 total or average target.
 Column (7):  Rating - Indicate the rating in terms of Quantity, Quality, and/or Timeliness in accordance to the SPMS of the University.
 Column (8): Remarks - Indicate any explanatory note or statements with regard to the indicators or targets and/or accomplishment of the targets.
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