Page 561 - Area X - G
P. 561

Annual Target    Semi-Annual Accomplishment Report ph    IFSUnofficial   Itsujitticiaipage
                                    Check the appropriate blank:
                 Year:                    As o f 2nd Q uarter (Jan-Jun)
                                      ___As o f 4th Q uarter (Jul-Dec)

 Republic of the Philippines
 Lmut, Ifugao

 ___________________________________________INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE COMMITMENT AND REVIEW (IPCR)_______________
 ____________________________________________________________ IPCR Form 2 - For Non-Teaching Personnel______________________________
 (Note: This portion is to be signed by the concerned employee/officials during the target-setting.  Signature box is provided at the last page of this form for the accomplishment report.)

 ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Ratee
 Targets Approved by:

 Ratee_______________________________________________ Immediate Supervisor_______________________Head of Delivery Unit

 Rating scale:
 5- Outstanding/Best   4 - Very Satisfactory/Better   3 - Satisfactory/Good   2 - Unsatisfactory/Fair   1 - Poor

        January to June                        July to December
 Deliverables  Performance Indicator  Performance Measures  Performance  Actual  Rating  Performance  Actual  Rating
 Target   Performance  a:  to 1  5  Ave.  Target  Performance  Rate/PM Ave.
 (D  (2)  (3)  (5)                                   (6)
 P art I - Functions (90% )

 Common Indicators
 1. Attendance to annual University and Campus events as scheduled
 1.1.  Foundation Day  Quantity
 5-100% attendance as required
 1- no attendance

 5 - with appropriate dress code
 1-not in appropriate dress code
 1.2. Intramurals Day  Quantity
   556   557   558   559   560   561   562   563   564   565   566