Page 87 - Area X - G
P. 87
Rev. No.
Effective Date: Feb. 04, 2019
Page: Page 1 of 9
Quality System Procedure
1. Purpose
1.1 This procedure simplifies and clarify the process of target-setting and
submission of performance commitment and review (OPCR) of delivery
and service units of University.
2. Scope
2.1. This procedure covers target-setting & submission of Office Performance
Commitment and Review (OPCR) of the delivery and service units of the
3. References
3.1. Memorandum Order No. 70, series of 2018
3.2. Memorandum No. 64, s. 2018
3.3. Table of Reference
4. Definition of Terms
4.1. Delivery Units - are the various divisions as shown in the organizational
structure (whether staff or line functions) headed by the Vice Presidents, and
Campus Executive Directors). Divisions headed by the University President
(i.e. Office of the President with all attached departments) is also included
as one of the delivery units. The delivery units are the ones ranked for PBB
purposes at the end of each year. The Delivery Unit - Office Performance
Commitment and Review (DU-OPCR) shall be prepared by the head of
delivery unit (HDU).
4.2. Service units - refer to the various departments or colleges headed by the
department directors or the college deans, respectively. The Service Unit -
Office Performance Commitment and Review (SU-OPCR) shall be prepared
by the head of service unit (HDU).
4.3. Table of Reference - It refers to the set of performance indicators, kept
updated and maintained to ensure alignment to agency performance
indicators, that serves as a reference to guide managers and employees in
setting their targets. The performance indicators reflect the expected
outcomes and outputs that units and individuals produce. While it facilitates
efficient performance planning, monitoring and evaluation, the supervisor
and the employee may, however, set and agree for the appropriate
performance indicator deemed best by them.
4.4. Performance Management Team - refers to the committee who ensures
that all officials and employees, regardless of position, age, sex, civil status,
disability, religions, ethnicity or political and indigenous cultural affiliation are
fairly considered applying the “Equal Opportunity Principle”.
4.5. General Appropriations Act (GAA) - is one of the most important
legislatioOns that Congress annually passes. It defines the annual
expenditure program of the national government and all of its
instrumentalities. It contains the financial & physical targets under each key
performance indicators for each program. These Congress-approved
targets must be achieved to the units in various levels.
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