Page 88 - Area X - G
P. 88
Rev. No. 00
Effective Date: Feb. 04, 2019
Page: Page 2 of 9
Quality Systenl Procedure
4.6. ATF Form 1.0 - ranking of delivery units.
5. Responsibilities
5.1. Head of Delivery Unit
5.1.1. Conducts target-setting session to prepare OPCR.
5.1.2. Checks, assesses and verifies the SU-OPCR a n n u a l targets a n d th e
actual accomplishments quarterly, semi-annually, and annually.
5.1.3. Collates/summarizes the SU-OPCRs of service units under his/her
jurisdiction to be used in preparing DU-OPCR.
5.1.4. Submits the DU-OPCR targets and actual accomplishments to the
PMT Secretariat on the prescribed schedule of submission for
monitoring and evaluation and in preparation for the PMT Review
5.1.5. Presents the collated/summarized DU-OPCR in the PMT Review
Conference for initial assessment.
5.2 Head of Service Unit
5.2.1 Prepares the targets for the SU-OPCR.
5.2.2 Submits its SU-OPCR to the HDU on the prescribed schedule of
OPCR submission.
5.3 Performance Management Team
5.3.1 Checks and assesses the OPCR targets reports and actual
accomplishment reports of DUs in accordance to the set of standards.
5.4 Planning Office
5.4.1 Monitors submission of Office Performance Commitment and Review
Form and schedule the review/evaluation of the Office Commitments by the
PMT before the start of a performance period.
5.4.3 Serves as the PMT Secretariat.
5.4.4. Collects duly signed OPCR of Delivery Units.
5.5 University President
5.5.1 Gives the financial rating of the DU.
5.5.2 Acts on the recommendations of the PMT.
6. Procedures
Activity Responsible Details Interface/Records/
6.1 Target - HDU & HSU ■ shall prepare the • DU-OPCR Form
Setting targets for the DU- • SU-OPCR Form
OPCR and SU- • Table of
OPCR, respectively, Reference
by filling out the DU-
OPCR (Annex A) and
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