Page 13 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 13
Dr. Satya Nugroho
“Environmental Safety Assessment of Agricultural Biotechnology Products in
The government of Indonesia acknowledges the important of biotechnology in improving the quality of life. So far, many
genetically modified product (GMP) have been undergone examination and assessment to obtain biosafety certification.
The biosafety certifications in Indonesia, for all GMP based on plants, microbe, animal or fish, consists of environment,
food and feed safeties, which are under the responsibility of separate ministries or government institutions. At the moment
only plant and microbe based GMP’s have been submitted for biosafety assessment. In terms of environmental safety, the
responsible authority is the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The environmental safety aspects that are required for
assessment and to complete the environmental risk assessment documents includes general information on GM organism,
information on the genetic traits, information on the environment safety, risk communication and strategy for the post
released GM crops management and monitoring. The assessment of the environmental safety of GM product proposed to
be released is being done by the Technical Team for Environmental Safety (TTKH-Lingkungan), who reports the
assessment results to the National Biosafety Committee (KKH). So far, all of those aspects of environment safety can be
fulfill by the proponents, except for the post released management and monitoring, which guidance is still being developed
by the Ministry of Agriculture. Despite the lack of post monitoring regulation,13 events have been granted environment
safety certificates. The current status of environmental safety regulations and decisions on genetically modified product
application in Indonesia will be presented.