Page 15 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 15
Prof. Dr. Bahagiawati A.H, M.Sc
“Feed Safety Assessment on Agricultural Biotechnology products in Indonesia”
It is well known that some biotech products are also animal feed. Indonesia imports a relatively large number of
biotechnology products such as soybeans, corn and soybean meal from countries producing biotech products such as the
United States, Brazil, and Argentina. There is a concern that livestock that has GM feed will not grow well or are not
healthy. Besides, concerns about livestock meat or milk produced by livestock that feed on feed derived from GM will
contain DNA which not safe for humans. However, these concerns from 1996 until now have not been proven. Indonesia is
a country that separates biosafety assessment for a biotech product between food and feed as stated in government
regulation number 21 of 2005 (PP no. 21/2005). GM feed biosafety assessment is regulated in the Ministry of Agriculture
regulation number 36/2016. The technical guidelines and procedures for assessment are set forth in the regulation of the
Head of Research Agency Agriculture Development Number 466 / Kpts / OT.210 / H / 11/2016. This presentation presents a
type of GM feed that subjected to this regulation, and the procedures for assessing and data needed for the assessment,
such as genetic information, substantial equivalence of nutrition and anti-nutrition and toxicity data. Because in Indonesia
livestock feed on forage too, the substantial equivalence data also cover forage (leaves), instead of grains only. Many
multinational companies also submit feeding study data from animals that feed on GM and non GM feed that consists of
survival, mortality, body weight, and carcass production data. In Indonesia, there have been 6 GM feeds that have been
granted for feed safety certification.