Page 40 - Law Society of Hong Kong MPMC Manual v12 - With checklists (22 May 2018)
P. 40
Practice Management Course | Unit 4
Client Development
articles or fact sheets that demonstrate your firm’s unique knowledge and
41. Finally, choose two or three client maintenance activities that you are going to
execute before the end of the month and schedule them. Be specific about the time
it will take and when they will occur.
42. You should include client maintenance tactics that suit you, your position in the
practice, the amount of contact you have with clients, the resources you have
available (e.g., dedicated marketing, business development or customer
relationship management staff that can help) and that you can successfully fit into
your daily schedule.
Measuring success
43. With limited resources, law practices need to focus on effective business
development tactics. As such, law practices should constantly evaluate the
effectiveness of these tactics and adjust their strategy accordingly. For example,
law practices should create a database and keep track of the change in the number
of referrals, the quality of the referrals, and the amount of repeat business due to
different activities. In addition, law practices should keep track of how clients hear
about the practice.
44. Some business development tactics may take some time to have a positive impact,
so practitioners should not be quick to dismiss those that appear to be ineffective
Summary: Creating a simple marketing plan
45. To tie together everything that we have covered in this unit, below is a simple
marketing plan template, which can be used for expanding business with existing
clients as well as for attracting new clients. While attracting new clients may require
different marketing tactics, the principles discussed above are still applicable.
46. A marketing plan should be a working document that is used, revised, updated and
evaluated. This template is designed to get you thinking about your marketing. It
should be reviewed at least quarterly, and revised if necessary.
47. The most important part of any marketing plan is the action plan. Schedule
activities into your calendar, pin them on the wall next to your desk. If you don’t
make marketing a priority, your plan won’t work.
Solicitors’ Practice Promotion Code
48. Finally, remember to ensure that all your marketing and promotion complies with
the Solicitors’ Practice Promotion Code (“the Code”), which is available on the Law
Society’s website.
Reflection questions
How to use the reflection questions
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