Page 41 - Law Society of Hong Kong MPMC Manual v12 - With checklists (22 May 2018)
P. 41
Practice Management Course | Unit 4
Client Development
These questions have been designed to help you reflect on the material in the unit and check your
understanding of some key themes and concepts. Completing them is optional, but we encourage
you to take the time to do them to help reinforce what you have read and highlight any areas of
uncertainty. If you are uncertain about the content covered in the reflection questions or your
answers to the questions, it is a good idea to raise a question during the workshop.
Reflection questions for Unit 4
(1) Is marketing geared towards new clients in your practice? Does it tend to be reactive
(e.g., focused on responding to Requests for Proposal)?
(2) Explain why existing clients are good prospects to grow revenue.
(3) Do you find that a client relationship generally becomes profitable only after the first
matter? Why?
(4) Explain how you might make clients pre-disposed to using the practice again.
(5) Did you employ any tactics to encourage ‘repeat business’? If so, what were they? If
not, what tactics would you employ?
(6) What is 5-star relationship building?
(7) Give three examples of client maintenance activities that you should undertake
(8) Do you currently use an existing-client marketing plan? If so, what information is
included in the plan? If not, what information should be included in the plan?
© The Law Society of Hong Kong (2018) Page 37