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         Spanish 3 A, B, C                                     AP Spanish Literature A, B, C
         Course Number:  134401 + 134402 + 134403              Course Number:  136771 + 136772 + 136773
         Must register for all 3 trimesters                    Must take all 3 trimesters
         Prerequisite:  Successful completion of Spanish 2     Note:  Advanced  Placement  Course,  designed  for  students
         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Elective        academically talented and gifted.
         Grade Level:  9-12                                    Prerequisite:  Successful completion of 4 years of Spanish and
         Course Description:  You will continue to work toward fluency.   teacher approval
         Through  fun  topics  you  will  apply  your  learning  to  real-life   Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Elective
         situations.                                           Grade Level:  10-12
                                                               Course  Description:    Learn  major  movements  in  Hispanic
         Spanish 4 A, B, C                                     Literature  from  the  medieval  period  through  the  latest  literary
         Course Number:  134401 + 134402 + 134403              trends.  Students should be able self-motivated avid readers.
         Must register for all 3 trimesters
         Prerequisite:  Successful completion of Spanish 3
         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Elective
         Grade Level:  9-12
         Course Description:  Showcase your language skills buy taking
         a  virtual  tour  of  Latin  America.    Explore  the  people,  language,
         and culture of our neighbors to the south.

         AP Spanish Language A, B, C
         Course Number:  134501 + 134502 + 134503
         Must register for all 3 trimesters
         Note:  Advanced  Placement  Course,  designed  for  students
         academically talented and gifted.
         Prerequisite:  Successful completion of Spanish 4 or successful
         completion of Spanish 3 and teacher recommendation

         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Elective
         Grade Level:  10-12
         Course Description:  This advanced course will expand on
         basic linguistic functions.  Students should be able to work
         independently and be above average readers.

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