P. 45
Spanish 3 A, B, C AP Spanish Literature A, B, C
Course Number: 134401 + 134402 + 134403 Course Number: 136771 + 136772 + 136773
Must register for all 3 trimesters Must take all 3 trimesters
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish 2 Note: Advanced Placement Course, designed for students
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective academically talented and gifted.
Grade Level: 9-12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of 4 years of Spanish and
Course Description: You will continue to work toward fluency. teacher approval
Through fun topics you will apply your learning to real-life Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
situations. Grade Level: 10-12
Course Description: Learn major movements in Hispanic
Spanish 4 A, B, C Literature from the medieval period through the latest literary
Course Number: 134401 + 134402 + 134403 trends. Students should be able self-motivated avid readers.
Must register for all 3 trimesters
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish 3
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: Showcase your language skills buy taking
a virtual tour of Latin America. Explore the people, language,
and culture of our neighbors to the south.
AP Spanish Language A, B, C
Course Number: 134501 + 134502 + 134503
Must register for all 3 trimesters
Note: Advanced Placement Course, designed for students
academically talented and gifted.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish 4 or successful
completion of Spanish 3 and teacher recommendation
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Grade Level: 10-12
Course Description: This advanced course will expand on
basic linguistic functions. Students should be able to work
independently and be above average readers.