P. 42
VISUAL ART continued
Drawing: Studio Painting
Course Number: 043801, 043802, 043803 May sign up for one, two, or all - in sequential order.
Note: May be taken for more than one trimester; specify Prerequisite: Must take A before B. Must take B before C
trimester by course number. May not be offered all Fulfills graduation requirement for: Arts
trimesters. Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisite: Drawing A, B and C or permission of
instructor at registration Painting A Course Number: 044300
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Arts Course Description: You will use a variety of painting
methods and media to apply the elements of art and principles of
Grade Level: 10-12 design in your artwork.
Course Description: Opportunities for individual, partner and Painting B: Course Number: 044400
small group projects will be available and you will be responsible
for displaying your artwork. Course Description: You will expand your painting techniques
and explore new subject matters.
Painting C: Course Number: 044500
Jewelry/Art Metal
May sign up for one or two - in sequential order. Course Description: You will focus on your personal painting
style. You will display your artwork and maintain a portfolio.
Prerequisite: Must take A before B.
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Arts Painting: Studio
Grade Level: 9-12 Course Numbers: 044601, 044602, 044603
Jewelry/Art Metal A Course Number: 043900 Note: May be taken for more than one trimester; specify
Course Description: You will learn basic fabrication trimester by course number. May not be offered all
techniques for hand-wrought jewelry and metal work. trimesters.
Jewelry/Art Metal B: Course Number: 044000 Prerequisites: Painting A, B and C OR permission of
Course Description: In this class you will expand your instructor
knowledge of fabrication techniques. Fulfills Graduation Requirement for: Arts
Grade Level: 10-12
Jewelry/Art Metal: Studio Course Description: In Studio Art courses, students design
Course Number: 044201, 044202, 044203 their portfolio according to their individual interest in that
Note: May be taken for more than one trimester; specify particular class. Students work independently and are guided by
trimester by course number. May not be offered all trimesters. an instructor.
Prerequisite: Jewelry/Art Metal A and B OR permission of
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Arts
Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: This course is for those who can work
independently, and you will be responsible for setting goals,
maintaining a portfolio and displaying your work.