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           Introduction to Computer-Aided Drafting             Wood Technology
         Course Number:  012600                                Course Number:  013700
         Prerequisites:  None                                  Prerequisites:  None
         Fulfills Graduation Requirement for:  Elective and Fine Arts   Fulfills Graduation Requirement for:  Elective and Fine Arts
         Grade Level:  9-12                                    Grade Level:  9-12
         Course  Description:  This  course  is designed  to give  students  a
         fundamental  knowledge  of how  to describe  the  shape  and  size  of an   Course  Description:  This  course  is  designed  for students  to
         object or structure to accepted international standards.  Students will be   create,  design,  and  plan  a  project  to build  during  the trimester.
         introduced  to  basic  concepts  in  2D  and  3D  solid  models,  as  well  as  Students learn machine operation, shop safety, as well as basic
         dimensioning techniques and multi-view drawing.  All coursework will be  construction techniques.
         completed through the use of CAD software in the CAD lab.

                                                               Specialty Tech Lab Wood Technology
         Minnesota Outdoor Connection A, B, C                  Course Numbers:  017101, 017102, 017103
         Course Numbers:  014101 + 014102 + 014103
                                                               Prerequisites: Wood Technology and instructor approval.
         Must take all 3 trimesters                            Note:  May  register  for  one  or  more  trimesters.  Lab  may  be
         Prerequisites:  None                                  repeated  with  higher  level  objectives  written  for  each  specialty
         Fulfills Graduation Requirement for:  Elective        interest.  Indicate  trimester  preference  by  course  number.  May
         Grade Level:  9-12                                    not be offered all trimesters.
         Note:   This is a full year course developed by the Phy. Ed. department  Fulfills Graduation Requirement for:  Elective
         and Technology Ed department.                         Grade Level:  9-12
         Course  Description:  This course focuses on physical activity and   Course  Description:  This  course  is  designed  for  the  student
         environmental studies.  Skills developed should lead to the potential for   who  would  like  to  further  develop  his  or  her  skills  in  a  given
         a whole class participation in an overnight outdoor culminating activity.
                                                               technology course.  The student and the instructor will develop a
                                                               contract  which  will  outline  in  detail  the  objectives  for  the  term.
         Small Engine Technician                               The  student  will  be  expected  to  work  independently,  using  the
         Course Number:  013900                                instructor as a guide.
         Prerequisites:  None
         Fulfills Graduation Requirement for:  Elective
         Grade Level:  9-12
         Course  Description:  Students will be given the opportunity to
         learn the operating principles of 2 and 4 cycle small gas engines.
         The hands-on coursework will include steps to complete what is
         commonly known as “overhauling an engine.”

         Specialty Tech Lab Small Engine Technician
         Course Numbers:  016101, 016102, 016103
         Prerequisites: Small Engine Technician and  instructor approval.
         Note:   May  register  for  one  or  more  trimesters.  Lab  may
         be  repeated  with  higher  level  objectives  written  for  each
         specialty  interest.   Indicate  trimester  preference  by  course
         number.   May not be offered all trimesters.
         Fulfills Graduation Requirement for:  Elective
         Grade Level:  9-12
         Course  Description:  This  course  is  designed  for  the
         student who  would  like  to  further  develop  his  or  her  skills  in
         a  given technology course.  The student and the instructor will
         develop a contract  which  will  outline  in  detail  the  objectives
         for  the  term.    The  student  will  be  expected  to  work
         independently,  using  the instructor as a guide.
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