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         Comparative Religions                                 Global Outreach & Leadership Development
         Course Number:  076800                                Course Number:  004000
         Prerequisite:  None                                   Prerequisite:  None
         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Elective        Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Elective
         Grade Level:  9-12                                    Grade Level:  9-12
         Course  Description:    In  this  course  you  will  cover  the  major  Course  Description:    This  course  will  develop  character  and
         religions of the world by examining the history, diversity, functions  leadership  amongst  students  as  they  develop  marketing  and
         and  impact.    This  course  is  about  religion,  it  will  not  promote  budgeting  skills,  as  well  as  examine  the  history  and  culture  of
         beliefs.                                              various destinations around the world.

         Constitutional Law                                    Psychology
         Course Number:  076600                                Course Number:  076900
         Prerequisites:  None                                  Prerequisite:  None
         Grade Level:  9-12                                    Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Elective
         Fulfills Graduation Requirement for:  Elective        Grade Level:  9-12
         Course  Description:    In  this  course  you  will  study  past  and  Course Description: In this course you will be introduced to the
         current  Supreme  Court  cases  as  you  will  read,  discuss  and  scientific  study  of  behavior  and  the  mental  process.    You  will
         evaluate  the  majority  and  minority  opinions  in  their  historical  explore and analyze human behavior.
         settings and perspectives.
                                                               Race and Culture
         Crime and Justice                                     Course Number:  004100
         Course Number:  077200                                Prerequisite:  None
         Prerequisite:  None                                   Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Elective

         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Elective        Grade Level:  9-12
         Grade Level:  9-12                                    Course  Description:    This  course  develops  students’  critical
         Course  Description:   You will be introduced to the study of the   thinking  and  analytical  skills  to  understand  and  evaluate  the
         American  criminal  justice  system,  and  examine  constitutional   construction  of  race  in  the  United  States.  This  class  explores
         rights and responsibilities within the system.        subjugated knowledges by amplifying  multidimensional resilience in
                                                               the  presence  of  racism.  Topics  to  be  covered  in  this  course
                                                               include:    Identifying  and  Investigating  Personal  Racial  Identities,
                                                               Introduction to Race and Culture, Race, Privilege and Power, Critical
                                                               Race Theory and Historical Anthropology.

                                                               Course Number:  077100
                                                               Prerequisite:  None
                                                               Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Elective

                                                               Grade Level:  9-12
                                                               Course  Description:    In  this  course  you  will  study  of  human
                                                               social behavior and its origins, development, organizations, and

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