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SCIENCE continued


         Animal Behavior                                       Human Anatomy & Physiology:  Support & Locomotion
         Course Number:  096100                                Course Number:  097701
         Prerequisite:  None                                   Note:  Strongly suggest a grade of B- or better in Biology.
         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Elective        Prerequisites:  Biology

         Grade Level:  9-12                                    Grade Level:  11-12
         Course Description:  This is a hands-on study of the behavior of   Fulfills Graduation Requirement for:  Elective
         animals using observation, labs and comparative analysis.   Course  Description:   In this course, students dissect fetal pigs
                                                               as  they  study  the  skeletal,  muscular,  digestive  and  respiratory
         Animal Kingdom                                        systems  in  detail.    Students  interested  in  medical  or  health
         Course Number:  096200                                related fields may find this course of special interest.
         Prerequisite:  None
         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Elective        Human Anatomy & Physiology:  Transport &
         Grade Level:  9-12                                    Communication
         Course  Description:  In  this  course,  you  will  learn  about  the  Course Number:   097702
         diversity  of  animal  life,  and  the  way  they  use  their  bodies  to   Note:    Strongly  suggest  a  grade  of  B–  or  better  in  Biology.
         succeed  in  their  environment.    This  will  be  done  using   Recommend  Human  Anatomy  &  Physiology:    Support  &
         DISSECTION, microscope work, and research.            Locomotion as a prerequisite.
                                                               Course Number:  097100
         Astronomy                                             Prerequisites:  Biology
         Course Number:  096600
                                                               Grade Level:  11-12
         Prerequisite:  None                                   Fulfills Graduation Requirement for:  Elective
         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Elective        Course Description:  In this course, students dissect fetal pigs
         Grade Level:  9-12                                    as  they  study  the  skeletal,  muscular,  digestive  and  respiratory
         Course  Description:    In  this  course, you  will  learn  about  the  systems  in  detail.    Students  interested  in  medical  or  health
         night sky and the cosmos.  The focus of this course will explore  related fields may find this course of special interest.
         stars, constellations, planets, the solar system, and galaxies.   In  this  course,  students  learn  about  the  transport  and
                                                               communication systems in the human body.  Students complete
         Environmental Studies                                 a research project on a disease of the human body.  A strong
         Course Number:  096700                                interest in biology is suggested for this class.
         Prerequisites:  None
         Grade Level:  9-12
         Fulfills Graduation Requirement for:  Elective
         Course Description:  This course explores the impact of human
         activity on the environment.  Topics studied include energy use,
         population,  recycling  and  toxic  waste.    You  will  examine
         environmental  issues  and  gain  information  that  will  help  you
         make personal decision regarding your role in the natural world.

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