P. 28


                    HEALTH REQUIRED                       Required Health can be
                                                          taken in any grade 9-12
           Choose one.  Please read descriptions carefully

         Health Education Abstinence Based                     Elective
         Course Number:  066100                                Race and Culture
         Prerequisite:  None                                   Course Number:  004100
         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Health          Prerequisite:  None
         Grade Level:  9-12                                    Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Elective
         Course Description:  The focus of this course is centered on decision
         making, rights, respect and responsibilities of healthy people.  The goal   Grade Level:  9-12
         of this Human Sexuality unit is to encourage sexual abstinence as the  Course  Description:    This  course  develops  students’  critical
         best choice for teens.  Students are encouraged to seek support and  thinking  and  analytical  skills  to  understand  and  evaluate  the
         advice from their family and other community resources.  Contraceptive  construction  of  race  in  the  United  States.  This  class  explores
         methods  are  identified  and  described  and  method  effectiveness  and   subjugated knowledges by amplifying  multidimensional resilience in
         risks are defined.                                    the  presence  of  racism.  Topics  to  be  covered  in  this  course
                                                               include:    Identifying  and  Investigating  Personal  Racial  Identities,
         Health Education Abstinence Until Marriage            Introduction to Race and Culture, Race, Privilege and Power, Critical
                                                               Race Theory and Historical Anthropology.
         Course Number:  066200
                                                               You will find this course number on the course card under the
         Prerequisite:  None
                                                               Social Studies department.
         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Health
         Grade Level:  9-12
         Course Description:  The focus of this course is centered on decision   PHYSICAL EDUCATION REQUIRED
         making, rights, respect and responsibilities of healthy people.  The goal               Required Life Fitness can
         of this Human Sexuality unit is to guide and empower students to remain
         abstinent until marriage.  Students are encouraged to seek support and  Life Fitness    be taken in any grade 9-12
         advice  from  their  parents/guardians  and  their  faith  community,  if  any,  Course Number:  063100
         rather than friends and community resources.  Contraceptive methods
         are discussed within the context of their failure rates only.     Prerequisite:  None
                                                                Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Life Fitness
         Health Education Blended  Zero Hour                    Grade Level:  9-12
         Course Number:  066500                                 Course Description:  In this required course you will learn to
         Note:    This Blended class is offered Zero hour only.  See  page  5  for   select appropriate physical activities and nutritional practices,
         more information.   Students must have their own transportation.   and  you  will  demonstrate  an  understanding  of  activities  to
                                                                improve your lifestyle.

         Registration  preference  given  first  to  12th  grade  students,  then
         11th grade, then 10th grade, then 9th grade.

         Prerequisite:  None
         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Health
         Grade Level:  9-12
         Blended courses personalize instruction so that students may accelerate
         their  learning.    In  Zero  Hour  Health,  students  will  complete  all
         assignments at their own desired pace.  The instructor will facilitate the
         pace  of  each  students’  learning  by  providing  teacher-led  instruction,
         small  collaborative  group  learning,  and  independent  learning  through
         Schoology. If you are a student who likes to learn at your own pace and
         determine how you will “show what you know” this course is for you.

         Course Description:  See course 066100 and 066200

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