P. 24



         Band 9 A, B, C                                        Wind Ensemble A, B, C
         Course Number:  054001 + 054002 + 054003              Course Numbers:  057201 + 057202 + 057203
         Must take all 3 trimesters                            Prerequisites:  Must audition for band placement
         Prerequisite:  Membership is based on successful completion of  Grade Level:  10-12
         Band 8 or audition with the band director.            Fulfills Graduation Requirement for:  Fine Arts
         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Fine Arts       Course  Description: This course is for students at the highest
         Grade Level:  9                                       skill  levels.    It  includes  further  development  of  knowledge  and
                                                               skills.  This course will include several performances throughout
         Course  Description:    Your  musical  skills  are  continuing  to   the year.
         develop,  and  you  are  ready  to  explore  more  challenging  and
         interesting  band  music.    In  daily  band  rehearsals,  you  will  be   Registration for this band requires a full year commitment.
         learning more advanced playing techniques and expanding your
         knowledge of music and music theory.  The band also performs
         several  evening  concerts  throughout  the  year  and  your              ORCHESTRA
         participation in these concerts is required.
         Registration for this band requires a full year commitment.   Orchestra 9 A, B, C
                                                               Course Number:  054101 + 054102 + 054103

                                                               Must take all 3 trimesters
                  GRADES 10-12 WILL BE BY AUDITION.            Prerequisite:  Membership is based on successful completion of
                                                               Orchestra 8 or audition with the orchestra director.

                                                               Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Fine Arts
         Symphonic Band A, B, C                                Grade Level:  9
         Course Number:  056201 + 056202 + 056203
         Must take all 3 trimesters                            Course  Description:    Your  musical  skills  are  continuing  to
                                                               develop,  and  you  are  ready  to  explore  more  challenging  and
         Prerequisite:  Must audition for band placement       interesting orchestral music.  In daily orchestra rehearsals, you

         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Fine Arts       will  be  learning  more  advanced  playing  techniques  and
         Grade Level:  10-12                                   expanding  your  knowledge  of  music  and  music  theory.    The
                                                               orchestra also performs several evening concerts throughout the
         Course Description:  In this course, you will continue to develop  year and your participation in these concerts is required.
         your  musical  knowledge  and  skills  in  band.    This  course  will   Registration for orchestra requires a full year commitment.
         include several performances throughout the year.
         Registration for this band requires a full year commitment.
                                                                 ALL BAND, ORCHESTRA AND CHOIR PLACEMENT FOR
                                                                        GRADES 10-12 WILL BE BY AUDITION.
         Concert Band A, B, C
         Course Number:  056401 + 056402 + 056403              Chamber Orchestra A, B, C
         Must take all 3 trimesters                            Course Number:  057101 + 057102 + 057103
         Prerequisite:  Must audition for band placement       Must take all 3 trimesters
         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Fine Arts       Prerequisite:  Must audition for orchestra placement
         Grade Level:  10-12                                   Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Fine Arts
         Course  Description:    This  course  is  for  the  most  advanced   Grade Level:  10-12
         instrumentalists.    Placement  will  depend  on  instrumentation   Course  Description:    In this level of string orchestra, you will
         needs  of  the  ensemble,  demonstrated  skills  of  individuals,  and   gain  ensemble  experience  and  reflect  upon music  and musical
         directors  discretion.    This  course  will  included  extensive   performance.    Chamber  Orchestra  is  a  group  that  focuses  on
         performances throughout the year.                     building  and  reinforces  a  technical  base  that  will  be needed  to

         Registration for this band requires a full year commitment.   perform in the top ensemble (Symphony Orchestra).  This course
                                                               will include several performances throughout the year.
                                                               Registration for orchestra requires a full year commitment.

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