P. 19


            This program is offered only at Osseo Senior High.  However, students from other
                     schools are eligible to enroll.  See your counselor for an application.

          OPPORTUNITIES IN EMERGENCY CARE (OEC)  122100 + 122200 + 122300
          Earn college credit in high school—this course qualifies for articulated college credit.  See page 44 for more information.

          Note:  Each course is a 2 hour class/2 credits earned per class for a total of 6 credits.  An additional class period
          per trimester must be used for transportation between MGSH and OSH.  Transportation is not provided.

          This course is intended to be a full year class, but students may sign up for just Trimester 1 with the understanding that it is not
          normally possible to change to a full year after Trimester 1.

          Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Elective (2 credits per trimester - 6 credits total)

          Grade Offered:  11-12

          Course  Description:    In each trimester of OEC, there is a different focus.  In Trimester 1, you will learn first aid and CPR, airway
          obstruction management and what to do in the first 10 minutes of an emergency.  In Trimester 2, the focus is anatomy and the body
          system,  splinting,  bandaging  and  use  of  oxygen,  water  safety  and  life  saving  techniques  and  some  of  the  other  things  First
          Responders do.  In Trimester 3 you will train to utilize basic and advanced emergency medical skills and equipment, sometimes in a
          hands-on environment by way of simulated emergency scenarios.

         First Aid and CPR                   First Responder/CPR Instructor      Emergency Medical Technician
         (2 Credits)                         (2 Credits)                         (2 Credits)
         Course Number:  122100              Course Number:  122200              Course Number:  122300
         Prerequisites:  None                Prerequisites:   Successful completion of First   Prerequisites:    Successful completion of the
                                             Aid/CPR class                       First Responder/ CPR Instructor class
         Class  meets  for  two  periods  daily,  1 st
         trimester only.                     Class  meets  for  two  periods  daily,  2    Class  meets  for  2  periods  daily;  3rd
                                             trimester only                      trimester only.
         Grade Level:  11-12
                                             Grade Level:  11-12                 Grade Level:  11-12
         Fulfills Graduation Requirement for:
         Elective                            Fulfills Graduation Requirement for:    Fulfills Graduation Requirement for:
                                             Elective                            Elective
         Major Outcomes:
           Prepare to perform artificial    Major Outcomes:                     Major Outcomes:
             ventilation/circulation until health     Learn anatomy and physiology, the     Trained to utilize basic and advanced
             care professionals arrive           body systems, medical terminology ,   EMS skills and equipment
           Airway obstruction management, Cardio   patient assessment and more     Learn in a hands on environment by
             Pulmonary Resuscitation  (CPR),     Splinting, bandaging m use of oxygen,   way of simulated emergency scenarios
             unwitnessed cardiac arrest          water safety and life saving techniques   and speakers currently working in the
         Instructional Focus:  You will be trained on   Instructional Focus:  You will be learning how   field
         what to do for the first 10 minutes of an   to be the first responder at the scene of a     Field study opportunities are available at
         emergency.                          medical or trauma emergency and how to   area hospitals, clinics, ambulance
         NOTE:  Upon successful completion of this  manage the patient until the arrival of   services, police departments and fire
         course, the student is eligible to test for the   ambulance personnel.      departments
         following certifications:  American Red Cross  NOTE:  Upon successful completion of this   Instructional Focus:  You will be prepared as
         Standard First Aid/ Responding to   course,  students  will  be  eligible  to  receive   a student to become a certified Emergency
         Emergencies, Community CPR, and the   these industry certifications:  MN Department
         American Heart Associate Health Care   of  Health  First  Responder,  and  American   Medical Technician –Basic.
         Provider CPR.                       Heart Association CPR Instructor    NOTE:  Upon completion of this course, the
                                                                                 student  will  be  eligible  to  take  the  National
                                                                                 Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians:
                                                                                 EMT-Basic exam (student must be 18 years
                                                                                 old to take this exam).
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