P. 18


                                               ELECTIVE COURSES

         Art of Film                                           Mythology
         Course Number:  036900                                Course Number:  036300
         Prerequisite:  None                                   Prerequisites:  None
         Grade Level:  9-12                                    Grade Level:  9-12
         Fulfills Graduation Requirement for:  Elective, Fine Arts   Fulfills Graduation Requirement for:  Elective
         Course  Description:  Art  of  Film  students  go  beyond  writing  film   Course Description: If you find yourself drawn to the movies Thor and
         scripts; they transform their scripts into movies.  In their first film project,   The Avengers, this course may be for you.  Greek, Roman, and Norse
         students learn to practice “show, don’t tell” within both their scripts and   mythologies—among  others—tell  the  incredible  stories  of  bigger-than-
         their movies.  In their second film project, students learn to plant subtext   life characters (gods, demi-gods, and humans) living in bigger-than-life
         (hidden  intentions)  beneath  their  characters’  words  within  both  their   worlds.  This course focuses on amazing characters living amazing lives
         scripts  and  their  movies.    In  both  projects,  students  aim  to  maximize   within amazing worlds.  It draws attention to both their incredible powers
         their audience’s emotional experiences by writing conflict-based scripts.   as well as their petty and frail weaknesses.
         Throughout  the  course,  students  are  encouraged  to  enter  local  and   Our  modern  world  is  forever  making  allusions  (indirect  references)  to
         national film competitions.  At the end of the course, students invite their   these  bigger-than-life  characters.    Recently,  the  tales  of  these  epic
         families and friends to their film premieres on Movie Night.     heroes  and  heroines  have  become  the  hot  topics  for  blockbuster
         Art of Film students “learn by doing”—and have fun doing it.  If you are   movies.
         ready to put your creative talents to the test within this unique writing/  All  of  us  will  continue  to  cross  paths  with  these  incredible  gods  and
         filmmaking experience, Art of Film is for you.        demigods in contemporary art, film, and literature.  By taking this class,
                                                               students will be better equipped to understand and to appreciate these
                                                               characters, their worlds, and our society’s ongoing allusions to them.
         Creative Writing
         Course Number:  037200                                Race and Culture
         Prerequisite:  None                                   Course Number:  004100

         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Elective        Prerequisite:  None
         Grade Level:  9-12                                    Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Elective
         Course  Description:    In  a  workshop  setting,  you  will  have  the   Grade Level:  9-12
         opportunity to work independently or with others to write poetry and
         prose.  You will learn from prewriting to revision, to create polished   Course  Description:    This course develops students’ critical thinking
         writing for a public audience.                        and analytical skills to understand and evaluate the construction of race
                                                               in  the  United  States.  This  class  explores  subjugated  knowledges  by
                                                               amplifying  multidimensional resilience in the presence of racism. Topics
                                                               to  be  covered  in  this  course  include:    Identifying  and  Investigating
         The Graphic Novel                                     Personal  Racial  Identities,  Introduction  to  Race  and  Culture,  Race,
         Course Number:  037400                                Privilege and Power, Critical Race Theory and Historical Anthropology.
         Prerequisite:  None

         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Elective        You  will  find  this  course  number  on  the  course  card  under  the
         Grade Level:  9-12                                    Social Studies department.
         Course Description:   The Graphic Novel is a course designed for both
         long time readers of graphic novels/comics and those who are new to  Yearbook Lab A, B
         the  medium.    Students  in  the  class  will  learn  about  the  elements  of  Course Number:  037101 + 037102
         comic  style  and  read  a  variety  of  shorter  and  longer  graphic  texts  in   Two trimester course, (1st and 2nd trimesters) must register for both
         many different genres.  Students will study the history of the medium,   trimesters/1 credit earned each trimester.
         analyze  the  assigned  texts,  create  a  graphic  story,  and  enjoy  the
         marvelous blend of pictures and text.                 Prerequisite:    Written permission of instructor required to register for
                                                               this course.

                                                               Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Elective, Fine Arts
                                                               Grade Level:  9-12
                                                               Course  Description:    In this course, you will be an active member of
                                                               the  Yearbook  staff,  learning  copy  writing,  interviewing,  researching,
                                                               graphic  design,  online  publishing,  advertising  and  marketing,  and  the
                                                               production process.

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