P. 22

                                       See chart on page 21 for AP and HP information

         HP Algebra 2 A, B, C                                  HP Pre-Calculus A, B, C
         Course Number:  085241 + 085242 + 085243              Course Number:  085541 + 085542 + 085543

         Must take all 3 trimesters                            Must take all 3 trimesters
         Prerequisite:  High Performance Math.  Successful completion  Prerequisite:    Successful  completion  of  HP  Algebra  2  or  by
         of HP Geometry or by teacher recommendation at registration   teacher recommendation at registration
         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Algebra 2       Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Math, Elective
         Grade Level:  9-12                                    Grade Level:  9-12
         Course  Description:    This  courses  enriches  the  Algebra  2  Course  Description:    this  course  operates  at  an  accelerated
         curriculum.    Students  interested  in  this  course  should  be  self- pace  emphasizing  high  level  thinking  skills.    You  will  have
         motivated, organized and appreciate a challenge.      creative problem solving which will prepare you for AP calculus or
         A TI 83 or TI 84, or similar graphing calculator is recommended.   a college level calculus class.  Students interested in this course
                                                               should be self-motivated, organized and appreciate a challenge.
                                                               A TI 83 or TI 84, or similar graphing calculator is recommended.

         Algebra 3 A, B, C
         Course Number:  083801 + 083802 + 083803
                                                               Calculus A, B, C
         Must take all 3 trimesters                            Course Numbers:  084101 + 084102 + 084103
         Prerequisite:  Successful completion of Algebra 2     Must take all 3 trimesters
         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Math, Elective   Prerequisite:  Successful completion of Pre-Calculus or HP Pre-
         Grade Level:  9-12                                    Calculus
         Course Description:  This course advances and strengthens the   Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Math, Elective
         understanding of algebra.  Other advanced algebraic topics may
         be emphasized.                                        Grade Level:  9-12
         A TI 83 or TI 84, or similar graphing calculator is recommended   Course Description:  This course is for prospective math majors
                                                               and those whose primary interests are in engineering, physics,
                                                               business or the life sciences.  It includes an intensive review of
         Pre-Calculus A, B, C                                  the topics from algebra, and covers topics normally covered in
         Course Number:  084001 + 084002 + 084003              the first semester of college calculus.
         Must take all 3 trimesters                            A TI 83 or TI 84, or similar graphing calculator is recommended.
         Prerequisite:  Successful completion of Algebra 2
         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Math, Elective     AP Calculus  (AB) A, B, C

         Grade Level:  11-12                                   Course Number:  085671 + 085672 + 085673
         Course  Description:   This course will prepare you for calculus  Must take all 3 trimesters
         or college level math.  It will include an in-depth expanded view of   Note:  Advanced Placement course
         functions and you will master trigonometry.
         A TI 83 or TI 84, or similar  graphing calculator is recommended.   Prerequisite:  HP Pre-Calculus with a “B” or above or by teacher
                                                               recommendation at registration
                                                               Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Math, Elective
                                                               Grade Level:  9-12
                                                               Course  Description:    This course is similar to college calculus
                                                               and  covers  such  topics  as  analytic  geometry,  functions,  limits,
                                                               continuity,  differentiations  with  applications,  integration,
                                                               logarithmic,  exponential  and  trigonometric  functions.    Students
                                                               interested in this course should be self-motivated, organized and
                                                               appreciate a challenge.
                                                               A TI 83 or TI 84, or similar graphing calculator is recommended.

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