P. 23


                                       See chart on page 21 for AP and HP information

         AP Calculus  (BC) A, B, C                             Statistics A, B, C
         Course Number:  085771 + 085772 + 085773              Course Numbers:  084201 + 084202 + 084203
         Must take all 3 trimesters                            Prerequisites:  Algebra 2
         Note:  Advanced Placement course                      Grade Level:  11-12
         Prerequisite:  HP Pre-Calculus with a “B” or above or by teacher
         recommendation at registration                        Fulfills Graduation Requirement for:  Elective

         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Math, Elective   Course Description:
         Grade Level:  9-12                                    Major Outcomes:
         Course  Description:    This course is similar to college calculus      A condensed version of the AP course
         and  covers  such  topics  as  analytic  geometry,  functions,  limits,     You will use statistical methods to interpret real-life data
         continuity,  differentiations  with  applications,  integration,  Instructional Focus:  learn how to use the internet to explore for
         logarithmic, exponential and trigonometric functions.  Maclaurin,   up-to-date-data and apply statistical methods to that data.
         Taylor  and  Power  series.    Students  interested  in  this  course
         should be self-motivated, organized and appreciate a challenge.
         A TI 83 or TI 84, or similar graphing calculator is recommended.
                                                               AP Statistics A, B, C
                                                               Course Number:  085871 + 085872 + 085873
                                                               Must take all 3 trimesters
         Multivariable Calculus and Vector Analysis A, B, C
         Course Number:  085801 + 085802 + 085803              Note:  Advanced Placement course
         Must take all 3 trimesters                            Prerequisite:  Successful completion of Algebra 2
         Prerequisites:  AP Calculus AB or AP Calculus BC.  Conference   Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Math, Elective
         with current teacher advised.                         Grade Level:  10-12
         Grade Level:  10-12                                   Course Description:  This course is designed to cover all the AP
                                                               Statistics topics before the AP exam for probability and statistics.
         Fulfills Graduation Requirement for:  Elective        Students  learn  the  major  concepts  and  tools  for  collecting,
         Course Description:  This course is similar to a college Calculus   analyzing,  and  drawing  conclusions  from  data.    Students
         3  course,  beginning  with  a  review  and  extension  of  topics  in   interested in this course should be self-motivated, organized and
         Calculus 2, including methods of integrations, power series  and   appreciate a challenge.
         polar  and  parametrically-defined  functions.    This  course  then
         explores  the  differential  and  integral  calculus  of  functions  of   A TI 83 or TI 84, or similar graphing calculator is recommended.
         several  variables  including  change  of  coordinates,  and  vector
         analysis of line and surface integrals and the theorems of Gauss,
         Green, and Stokes.

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