P. 21


          Is High Performance or Advanced Placement  right for you?  See chart below and talk to your current Math teacher.

             Program           Explanation                 Advantages                      Considerations
                AP         College-level          May receive college credit     Must take the AP exam to receive
                             curriculum            Develop higher level thinking    potential college credit
            Advanced       Recognized               skills                        Students must have above
            Placement        nationally            Additional honor points earned   average ability in reading, writing
                                                                                     and math
                           Rigorous                 with a C or above, for
                           Available to all grade   weighted GPA                  Expect considerable homework in
                                                                                     most classes
                           Students self-select                                   This level of coursework is
                                                                                     expected from highly selective
                             into the course                                         colleges

                HP         Accelerated            More challenge than regular-    No college credit
                             curriculum              level course                  Expect more homework in most
               High        Rigorous               Develop higher level thinking    classes
           Performance    Available to all grade    skills                        This level of coursework is
                             levels                Prepares students for college-   expected from highly selective
                                                     level curriculum                colleges

          Non-Linear Algebra A, B, C                           HP Geometry A, B, C
          Course Number:  082201 + 082202 + 082203             Course Number:  085141 + 085142 + 085143
          Must take all 3 trimesters                           Must take all 3 trimesters
          Prerequisite:  Successful completion of Linear Algebra   Prerequisite:  Successful completion of HP Non-Linear Algebra
          Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Non-Linear Algebra   Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Geometry

          Grade Level:  9-12                                   Grade Level:  9-12
          Course Description:  this course is organized around families of  Course  Description:    High  Performance  Geometry  uses  the
          functions, with a special emphasis on exponential, rational and  geometry curriculum with enrichment activities. This course will
          quadratic functions.                                 include  analyzing  properties  of  two  and  three  dimensional
          A TI 30 XIIS or TI 34 II calculator is recommended   objects,  establishing  the  validity  of  geometric  conjectures,
                                                               trigonometry, transformations, angles, parallel and perpendicular
                                                               lines, and triangle relationships.

          Geometry A, B, C
          Course Number:  083201 + 083202 + 083203
          Must take all 3 trimesters                           Algebra 2 A, B, C
                                                               Course Number:  083501 + 083502 + 083503
          Prerequisite:  Successful completion of Non-Linear Algebra   Must take all 3 trimesters
          Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Geometry       Prerequisite:  Successful completion of Geometry
          Grade Level:  9-12                                   Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Algebra 2
          Course Description:  In this course you will develop reasoning
          and  problem  solving  skills.    Topics  include  congruence,   Grade Level:  9-12
          similarities and properties of lines, triangles, quadrilaterals and  Course Description:  This course is organized around families
          circles.  A scientific calculator is recommended.    of functions including linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic,
                                                               radical  and  rational  functions.    It  also  includes  the  topics  of
                                                               probability, data analysis and trigonometry.
                                                               A TI 83, or TI 84, or similar graphing calculator is recommended.

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