P. 21
Is High Performance or Advanced Placement right for you? See chart below and talk to your current Math teacher.
Program Explanation Advantages Considerations
AP College-level May receive college credit Must take the AP exam to receive
curriculum Develop higher level thinking potential college credit
Advanced Recognized skills Students must have above
Placement nationally Additional honor points earned average ability in reading, writing
and math
Rigorous with a C or above, for
Available to all grade weighted GPA Expect considerable homework in
most classes
Students self-select This level of coursework is
expected from highly selective
into the course colleges
HP Accelerated More challenge than regular- No college credit
curriculum level course Expect more homework in most
High Rigorous Develop higher level thinking classes
Performance Available to all grade skills This level of coursework is
levels Prepares students for college- expected from highly selective
level curriculum colleges
Non-Linear Algebra A, B, C HP Geometry A, B, C
Course Number: 082201 + 082202 + 082203 Course Number: 085141 + 085142 + 085143
Must take all 3 trimesters Must take all 3 trimesters
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Linear Algebra Prerequisite: Successful completion of HP Non-Linear Algebra
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Non-Linear Algebra Fulfills graduation requirement for: Geometry
Grade Level: 9-12 Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: this course is organized around families of Course Description: High Performance Geometry uses the
functions, with a special emphasis on exponential, rational and geometry curriculum with enrichment activities. This course will
quadratic functions. include analyzing properties of two and three dimensional
A TI 30 XIIS or TI 34 II calculator is recommended objects, establishing the validity of geometric conjectures,
trigonometry, transformations, angles, parallel and perpendicular
lines, and triangle relationships.
Geometry A, B, C
Course Number: 083201 + 083202 + 083203
Must take all 3 trimesters Algebra 2 A, B, C
Course Number: 083501 + 083502 + 083503
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Non-Linear Algebra Must take all 3 trimesters
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Geometry Prerequisite: Successful completion of Geometry
Grade Level: 9-12 Fulfills graduation requirement for: Algebra 2
Course Description: In this course you will develop reasoning
and problem solving skills. Topics include congruence, Grade Level: 9-12
similarities and properties of lines, triangles, quadrilaterals and Course Description: This course is organized around families
circles. A scientific calculator is recommended. of functions including linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic,
radical and rational functions. It also includes the topics of
probability, data analysis and trigonometry.
A TI 83, or TI 84, or similar graphing calculator is recommended.