P. 26
MUSIC continued
Beginning Guitar Garage Band
May sign up for one, two, or all in sequential order. May sign up for one, or both in sequential order.
Note: Must use acoustic nylon string guitar. School will provide Note: All students must audition to receive pre-approval
guitars, however students may also use their own. from the music department to register for this course. See
Prerequisite: A-None; B-Pass Beginning Guitar A with a “B” or a teacher in the music department.
better, or instructor permission; C-Beginning Guitar B with a “B” Pre-approval to register does not guarantee automatic
or better, or instructor permission entrance.
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Fine Arts Prerequisite: Must take A before B.
Grade Level: 9-12 Strong interest in music and some performance experience,
vocal or instrumental. Ability to provide own instrument. This
Beginning Guitar A Course Number 057701 class may be taken only one time.
Description: For the student with little or no experience on the Fulfills graduation requirement for: Fine Arts
guitar. You will learn basic playing skills and learn to read basic
music. Grade Level: 9-12
Garage Band A Course Number 057301
IF YOU WILL USE YOUR OWN GUITAR, USE THE Garage Band B Course Number 057302
COURSE NUMBER 057701G Course Description: In this course, you start your own band,
study basic music theory, and compose and perform your own
Beginning Guitar B Course Number 057702 music.
Description: Must pass Beginning Guitar A with a “B” or better
or have instructor permission to continue. You will continue to Music of Social Change
expand your skills as a guitarist. You will learn several styles of Course Number: 058200
music and then be able to focus of the style you like most.
Prerequisite: None
IF YOU WILL USE YOUR OWN GUITAR, USE THE Fulfills graduation requirement for: Fine Arts
COURSE NUMBER 057702G Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: People are most expressive in times of
Beginning Guitar C Course Number 057703 adversity. In this class, you will experience war and politics,
oppression, and the human condition through the music of today
Description: Must pass Beginning Guitar B with a “B” or better and yesterday: rap, opera, blues, classical, folk, musical theatre,
or have instructor permission to continue. You will continue to and country. This is not a performance class so no music
study various styles of music and will perform as a soloist and as experience is necessary.
part of a group. At least one performance outside of class is
COURSE NUMBER 057703G Course Number: 058100
Prerequisite: Current participation in band, orchestra or choir, or
with permission from instructor following successful completion of
entrance exam.
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Fine Arts
Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: If you plan to study music in college, this is
a valuable class for you. You will deepen your knowledge and
understanding of the music elements, and build a solid
foundation in ear training, sight singing, and analysis.