P. 26

MUSIC continued

                          MUSIC ELECTIVES                                 TRIMESTER MUSIC ELECTIVES
         Beginning Guitar                                      Garage Band

         May sign up for one, two, or all in sequential order.   May sign up for one, or both in sequential order.
         Note:  Must use acoustic nylon string guitar.  School will provide   Note:    All  students  must  audition  to  receive  pre-approval
         guitars, however students may also use their own.     from the music department to register for this course.  See

         Prerequisite:  A-None; B-Pass Beginning Guitar A with a “B” or   a teacher in the music department.
         better, or instructor permission; C-Beginning Guitar B with a “B”  Pre-approval to register does not guarantee automatic
         or better,  or instructor permission                  entrance.
         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Fine Arts       Prerequisite:  Must take A before B.
         Grade Level:  9-12                                    Strong  interest  in  music  and  some  performance  experience,
                                                               vocal  or  instrumental.    Ability  to  provide own  instrument.   This
           Beginning Guitar A Course Number 057701            class may be taken only one time.
         Description:    For the student with little or no experience on the   Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Fine Arts
         guitar.  You will learn basic playing skills and learn to read basic
         music.                                                Grade Level:  9-12
                                                                 Garage Band A Course Number 057301
              IF YOU WILL USE YOUR OWN GUITAR, USE THE           Garage Band B Course Number 057302
                       COURSE NUMBER 057701G                   Course  Description:    In this course, you start your own band,
                                                               study basic music theory, and compose and perform your own
           Beginning Guitar B Course Number 057702            music.

         Description:  Must pass Beginning Guitar A with a “B” or better
         or have instructor permission to continue.  You will continue to   Music of Social Change
         expand your skills as a guitarist.  You will learn several styles of   Course Number:  058200
         music and then be able to focus of the style you like most.
                                                               Prerequisite:  None
               IF YOU WILL USE YOUR OWN GUITAR, USE THE        Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Fine Arts
                       COURSE NUMBER 057702G                   Grade Level:  9-12
                                                               Course  Description:    People are most expressive in times of
           Beginning Guitar C Course Number 057703            adversity.    In  this  class,  you  will  experience  war  and  politics,
                                                               oppression, and the human condition through the music of today
         Description:  Must pass Beginning Guitar B with a “B” or better   and yesterday:  rap, opera, blues, classical, folk, musical theatre,
         or have instructor permission to continue.  You will continue to   and  country.    This  is  not  a  performance  class  so  no  music
         study various styles of music and will perform as a soloist and as   experience is necessary.
         part  of  a  group.    At  least  one  performance  outside  of  class  is

               IF YOU WILL USE YOUR OWN GUITAR, USE THE        Music Theory
                       COURSE NUMBER 057703G                   Course Number:  058100
                                                               Prerequisite:  Current participation in band, orchestra or choir, or
                                                               with permission from instructor following successful completion of
                                                               entrance exam.
                                                               Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Fine Arts

                                                               Grade Level:  9-12
                                                               Course Description:  If you plan to study music in college, this is
                                                               a valuable class for you.  You will deepen your knowledge and
                                                               understanding  of  the  music  elements,  and  build  a  solid
                                                               foundation in ear training, sight singing, and analysis.

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