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          Is High Performance or Advanced Placement  right for you?  See chart below and talk to your current Science teacher.
              Program            Explanation                 Advantages                      Considerations

                 AP          College-level curriculum      May receive college credit      Must take the AP exam to receive
                             Recognized nationally      Develop higher level thinking skills   potential college credit
              Advanced                                                               Students must have above average
              Placement      Rigorous               Additional honor points earned with a   ability in reading, writing and math
                                                      C or above, for weighted GPA
                             Available to all grade                                 Expect considerable homework in most
                              levels                                                  classes
                             Students self-select                                   This level of coursework is expected
                                                                                      from highly selective colleges

                 HP          Accelerated curriculum      More challenge than regular-level      No college credit
                             Rigorous                course                         Expect more homework in most classes
                High                                 Develop higher level thinking skills
             Performance      Available to all grade      Prepares students for college-level      This level of coursework is expected
                                                                                      from highly selective colleges

         Chemistry A, B, C                                     Physics A, B, C
         Course Numbers:  094101 + 094102 + 094103             Course Number:  095101 + 095102 + 095103
         Must register for all 3 trimesters                    Must register for all 3 trimesters
         Prerequisites:    Must  take  Algebra  2  either  before  this  Prerequisite:  Completion of Geometry with a C average or
         course or in concurrence with this course             above

         Grade Level:  11-12                                   Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Chemistry or Physics
         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Chemistry or Physics  Grade Level:  11-12
         Course  Description:    This course teaches the basics of  Course Description:  This course studies the relationships
         chemistry  with  applications  to  real  world  situations.    It  is  between energy and matter that occur in the physical world.
         math based with technical reading.  This would be a course  This  course  is  designed  for  the  student  who  plans  to
         for college-bound students who do  not  necessarily intend  continue education beyond high school, but not necessarily

         to enter a science field.                             in a science-related career.

         AP Chemistry A, B, C                                  AP Physics 1:  Algebra-Based A, B, C
         Course Numbers:  094671 + 094672 + 094673
                                                               Course Numbers:  095471 + 095472 + 095473
         Must register for all 3 trimesters
                                                               Must register for all 3 trimesters
         Prerequisites: Student must complete Chemistry A, B, and   Prerequisites:  Completion of Algebra 2 with a B or above.
         C OR current teacher recommendation and completion of
         summer learning.  Completion of Algebra 2 with B average   Note: Recommended concurrent enrollment in math class.
         or higher.                                            Grade Level:  10-12
         Grade Level:  11-12                                   Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Chemistry or Physics

         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  Chemistry or Physics  Course  Description:    This course is equivalent to a first-
         Course  Description:    This  is  a  fast-paced  course  that   semester  college  course  in  algebra-based  physics.    The
         meets  the  objectives  of  an  introductory  college  chemistry   course  covers  Newtonian  mechanics  (including  rotational
         course.  You will conduct laboratory experiments and report   dynamics  and  angular  momentum);  work,  energy,  and
         on  them;  strong  math,  reading,  and  writing  skills  are   power; mechanical waves and sound.  It will also introduce
         important, as is attention to detail.  Students who have not   electric circuits.
         previously  completed  chemistry  are  strongly  urged  to
         complete a summer assignment.  Students are encouraged
         to take the A.P. Exam.

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