P. 14


                                               REQUIRED COURSES

             Is High Performance or Advanced Placement  right for you?  See chart below and talk to your English teacher.

             Program           Explanation                 Advantages                      Considerations
               AP          College-level          May receive college credit     Must take the AP exam to receive
                            curriculum             Develop higher level thinking   potential college credit
            Advanced       Recognized              skills                         Students must have above
           Placement        nationally             Additional honor points earned   average ability in reading, writing
                                                                                    and math
                           Rigorous                with a C or above, for weighted
                           Available to all grade   GPA                           Expect considerable homework in
                                                                                    most classes
                           Students self-select                                   This level of coursework is
                                                                                    expected from highly selective
               HP          Accelerated            More challenge than regular-    No college credit
                            curriculum              level course                   Expect more homework in most
              High         Rigorous               Develop higher level thinking   classes
          Performance    Available to all grade    skills                         This level of coursework is
                            levels                 Prepares students for college-  expected from highly selective
                                                    level curriculum                colleges

                                             9th grade graduation requirement

                                 Choose one of the following - See chart above for HP information

         English 9 A, B, C                                     HP English 9 A, B, C
         Course Number:  032501 + 032502 + 032503              Course Number:  032641 + 032642 + 032643

         Must register for all 3 trimesters                    Must register for all 3 trimesters
         Prerequisite:  None                                   Note:  This course includes extensive reading and writing
         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  English 9       assignments.    Summer  reading  may  be  assigned  and

         Grade Level:  9                                       must be completed by the first day of school.
         Course Description:  English 9 focuses on developing   Prerequisite:  None
         and  strengthen  skills  in  writing,  reading,  speaking,   Fulfills graduation requirement for:  English 9
         listening, and thinking.  The writing process will be used   Grade Level:  9
         to  complete  multiparagraph  expository  essays  and
         creative compositions.  A variety of reference materials   Course Description:   HP English 9 is an in-depth study
         and media skills will be used to conduct research and to   of the skills and practices covered in English 9.  Students
         write a formal paper.  Students will continue to practice   will  be  introduced  to  analysis  of  various  genres  of
         language  skills  in  spelling,  vocabulary,  and  grammar.    literature  and  focus  on  advanced  writing  skills.    The
         The  study  of  literature  includes  short  stories,  novels,   course  will  be  enhanced  by  emphasizing  higher-level
         drama, poetry and nonfiction.  Attention is also given to   thinking  skills,  creative  problem  solving,  and  advanced
         effective reading strategies and independent reading.   research skills.  Group and individual projects are integral
                                                               components of this course.

   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19