P. 11
Activities in ISD 279 offer students opportunities for participation and involvement in the school beyond the
classroom. However, it is important that students remember their first responsibility is to be successful in
school. Academic achievement is not to be sacrificed for participation in activity programs.
ISD 279 – Osseo Area Schools is a member of the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) and
Northwest Suburban Conference, and follows and enforces all of their rules and regulations.
In order to participate in high school activities, a The plan for determining academic eligibility for
student must be - MSHSL activities is as follows:
1. registered as a full-time student; Eligibility will be determined at the start of each
2. enrolled in at least five credit-producing classes school year and after each marking period.
each trimester; and A student is ineligible if the total number of
3. making progress toward accumulation of the 64 credits at the beginning of each trimester is less
credits required for graduation according to the than the number listed in the table at left.
chart below: If a winter or spring sport begins before tri 1 or
REQUIRED CREDITS TO PARTICIPATE IN tri 2 grades have been posted, students may
ACTIVITIES appear eligible to begin a winter or spring
GRADE FALL WINTER SPRING activity, but become ineligible once grades/
credits are posted.
9 0 4 8 The Activities Coordinator will follow up after
10 13 18 23 grades and credits are posted to ensure all
11 28 34 40 students are eligible.
12 46 52 58 The Activities Coordinator will inform any
student who becomes ineligible.
Note: 64 credits required to graduate
To be certified by the NCAA Clearinghouse, you must accomplish the following:
1. Graduate from high school
You should apply for certification before CORE UNITS REQUIRED DIVISION DIVISION
graduation if you wish to participate in athletics FOR NCAA I II
as a freshman at the college to which you will CERTIFICATION
be admitted. The Clearinghouse will issue a English 4 years 3 years
preliminary certification report when you have Math 3 years 2 years
submitted all of your materials. After
graduation, the Clearinghouse will review your Science 2 years 2 years
final transcript to make a final certification
decision according to NCAA standards. Social Studies 2 years 2 years
2. Earn a grade-point average of at least 2.3 From English, Math, or 1 year 3 years
(for Division I) and 2.0 (Division II) (on a Science
4.00 scale) in a core curriculum of at least 16 Additional Core: English, 4 years 4 years
courses which were successfully completed Math, Science, World
during grades nine through 12. The chart Language, Philosophy,
included here shows core courses you must Non-doctrinal Religion
include at a minimum.
3. Earn a minimum SAT/ACT sum score. Total Core Units 16 years 16 years
For additional information you may go to or