P. 12
Business and Personal Law Keyboarding and Business Communications
Course Number: 104300 Course Number: 102200
Prerequisite: None Earn college credit in high school—this course qualifies for
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective articulated college credit. See page 46 for more information.
Grade Level: 9-12 Prerequisite: Computer skills and typing experience
Course Description: This course offers an introduction to law. Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Including topics such as buyers rights, school law, family law, and Grade Level: 9-12
contracts. You can expect class discussions, guest speakers and group
projects as part of this course. Course Description: You will refine your keyboarding skills, increase
typing speed and learn the use of Microsoft Word. Learn to create
professional and personal letters, reports, forms, and job application
Effective Study for High School and College documents.
Course Number: 106100
Prerequisite: None Marketing
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective Course Number: 105100
Grade Level: 9-12 Prerequisite: None
Course Description: This class will help you improve your Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
organization, test taking, listening, time management and note taking
skills. What you learn in this course can be immediately applied to all of Grade Level: 9-12
your other courses, both and high school and in your post-secondary Course Description: You will discover the principles of marketing, how
studies. to persuade and advertise, how the marketing research process works
and the responsibilities of marketing.
Course Number: 104400 Personal Financial Management
Earn college credit in high school—this course qualifies for Course Number: 103300
articulated college credit. See page 46 for more information. Earn college credit in high school—this course qualifies for
Prerequisite: None articulated college credit. See page 46 for more information.
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective Concurrent enrollment options may be available. See the teacher
Grade Level: 9-12 for more information
Course Description: Learn how to open our own business and how to Prerequisite: None
research and write your own business plan. From finding a location for
your company, learning financial requirements and determining your Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
competition, you will learn to be your own boss. Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: Learn to manage your money at all stages of life.
Financial and Investment Planning Find out how to develop and live on a budget, and learn about banking,
saving strategies, and simple tax filing.
Course Number: 103400
Prerequisite: None
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective Positive Leadership
Grade Level: 9-12 Course Number: 104200
Course Description: Learn to take charge of your financial future! In Prerequisite: None
this class you will learn about investment options and understand how Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and life insurance can play a part in Grade Level: 9-12
growing your own money tree!
Course Description: Define your strengths and weaknesses and learn
advanced concepts in leadership as you develop skills that will help you
Introduction to Business reach your goals. Learn how to be a positive leader and develop
Course Number: 104100 successful techniques for managing teams and communicating with
Prerequisite: None
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Grade Level: 9-12
Course Description: This course is an introduction to all aspects of
business. You will identify the path to follow for future success in
business, explore the role of business in our global economy, and study
the functional areas of business and business career opportunities.