P. 15


                                                 REQUIRED COURSES

                                         10th grade graduation requirement

                            Choose one of the following - See chart on page 14 for HP information
         English 10 A, B, C                                   Integrated English 10 and U.S. History ALP 10
         Course Number:  032901 + 032902 + 032903             Course Numbers:  033151 + 033152 + 033153
         Must register for all 3 trimesters                   Prerequisites:  Subject to application and approval
         Prerequisite:  None                                  Fulfills  Graduation  Requirement  for:    English 10; U.S.

         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  English 10     History 10
         Grade Level:  10                                     Grade Level:  10

         Course  Description:    In this required course you will   Course  Description:    ALP  10  (Autonomous  Learner
         study  literature,  composition  and  language/      Program)  is  a  challenging  class  that  combines  the  10th
         communication  skills.    You  will  read  novels,  poetry,   grade English and Social Studies requirements into a single
         short  fiction  and  non-fiction;  you  will  write  narrative,   class.  Expect homework most school nights.
         expository,  and  argumentative  papers;  and    you  will   This course, based on Betts' Autonomous Learner Program
         give presentations.                                  Model,  is  designed  for  academically  gifted  and  talented
                                                              learners  in  English  and  social  studies.    The  students
                                                              commit  to  the  entire  course  set  if  they  apply  and  are
         HP English 10 A, B, C                                selected  for  this  program.    The  Autonomous  Learner
         Course Number:  033041 + 033042 + 033043             Program gives students opportunities to discover the notion
                                                              of  giftedness,  to  develop  their  individual  talents,  to  allow
         Must register for all 3 trimesters                   enrichment  to  curricular  matters,  to  participate  in  self-
         Note:  This course includes extensive reading and writing  directed  seminars,  and  to  conduct  in-depth  studies.
         assignments.    Summer  reading  may  be  assigned  and  Students will be challenged with rigorous content, which will
         must be completed by the first day of school.        lead to creative, quality products.  Students in this course
                                                              will meet the district objectives and state standards for both
         Prerequisite:  None
                                                              English and social studies.
         Fulfills graduation requirement for:  English 10
                                                              Upon  completion  of  the  course,  students  will  receive  6
         Grade Level:  10                                     credits (3 in English and 3 in U. S. History 10).
         Course  Description:    This  course  enhances  regular
         English  10  by  emphasizing  literary  analysis  of  short
         stories, novels, drama, and poetry.  This course requires
         of independent work done out of class.

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