P. 13
Principles of Accounting A, B, C Sports and Entertainment Marketing
Course Numbers: 103101 + 103102 + 103103 Course Number: 105200
Prerequisite: A - none, B - Principles of Accounting A, Prerequisite: None
C - Principles of Accounting B Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective Grade Level: 9-12
Grade Level: 9-12 Course Description: Learn the basic concepts of economic, marketing
and merchandising in both the sports world and the entertainment world.
Note: Students may sign up to take only Accounting A This course teaches how markets use agents and public relation tools to
capture their audience.
for career exploration.
Web Design 1
Course Description:
Principles of Accounting A: This class is an introduction to the Course Number: 102500
fundamental concepts needed to run a business. You will learn basic Earn college credit in high school—this course qualifies for
terminology and explore career opportunities. articulated college credit. See page 44 for more information.
Principles of Accounting B: This class extends your learning in Note: Prior knowledge of keyboarding is strongly recommended
Accounting A to include accounting principles needed for a Prerequisite: None
merchandising business set up as a partnership. Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective, Fine Arts
Principles of Accounting C: This class applies what you learned in Grade Level: 9-12
Accounting A and B to accounting for a corporation. A simulation will be Course Description: You will create web sites, becoming a published
used to give you practical experience and real-life examples.
web designer using XHTML, CSS and Photoshop.
College and Career Readiness Volunteer Service
Course Number: 112101; 112102; 112103 Course Number: 113101; 113102; 113103
Note: May be taken for one trimester or more; specify trimester by Note: May be taken for one trimester or more; specify trimester by
course number course number
Prerequisite: None Prerequisite: You must be able to provide your own transportation to
volunteer sites.
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Grade Level: 10-12
Course Description: This course will prepare you for a successful Grade Level: 10-12
transition to college. It will help with career planning, interpersonal skills Course Description: Through service, you will go out in the community
and goal setting, and you will develop employability skills through and experience a minimum of 40 hours of volunteer based services.
cooperative, project based learning experiences. Students will be responsible for securing their own volunteer placement.
College and Career Readiness Internship Off To College
Course Number: 112201; 112202; 112203 Course Number: 113300
Note: May be taken for one trimester or more; specify trimester by Prerequisite: None
course number
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
Prerequisite: Must be taken with College and Career Readiness
concurrently. You must be able to provide your own transportation to Grade Level: 11-12
job sites. This course is designed to prepare juniors and seniors for post
secondary educations. Specifically focusing on: Researching post
Fulfills graduation requirement for: Elective
secondary options based on their career goals, how to pay for college
Grade Level: 10-12 (financial aid options, FAFSA), the college admissions process (college
essay and personal statement), College Life 101, College terminology,
Course Description: With coordinator assistance, you will participate in
competitive employment, job shadowing, volunteer service, strategies for success in college, and scheduling/planning
apprenticeship or internships.