Page 11 - Shaping A Sustainable Future
P. 11

As  well  as  inspiring  the  ITE  students  to  apply  their   It was a great pleasure to have good teamwork support
            technical  skills  in  protecting  our  shared  global   from  the  NYAA,  HSBC,  Prof  Jeff  Obbard  and  the  ITE
            environment, the projects also developed their skills &   management team on this project. We hope our effort
            aptitude in communicating and conveying information   and partnership with the SMEs will continue well into the
            to the project stakeholders.                         future to achieve an even higher level of environmental
                                                                 performance.  We  hope  more  ITE  students  will  be
            The SMEs truly welcomed ITE’s effort in leading them   inspired  to  protect  our  environment  and  find  exciting
            on  this  sustainability  journey.  They  were  appreciative   career  opportunities  to  support  Singapore’s  green
            of the savings achieved on business operational costs   economy.
            -  especially  during  the  economic  hardship  due  to  the
            Covid-19 pandemic.                                   We  thank  HSBC  for  the  kind  funding  support  to  the
                                                                 SMEs and the ESI teams. Our thanks also go to Ms Ong
                                                                 Ya  Yi,  Vice-President,  Corporate  Sustainability,  HSBC
            Students   designed   scientific   experiments,   and   Singapore,  Mr  James  Soh,  Executive  Director,  NYAA
            through  the  application  of  technology,  recommended   Council  and  Professor  Jeff  Obbard,  for  making  this
            sustainability  solutions  that  advanced  Singapore’s   project a success.
            commitment  to  environmental  sustainability  and
            reduced carbon emissions.                            The following sections include the individual ESI team
                                                                 reports  for  the  environmental  reviews  conducted  for
            Project Outcomes & Acknowledgements                  each of the fifteen SMEs involved in the project. At the
                                                                 end of this report is an Annex containing the data and
                                                                 information pertaining to the environmental reviews for
            This  project  has  shown  that  it  is  possible  to  improve   each SME.
            a  company’s  environmental  performance,  enhance
            sustainability and cut carbon emission, whilst lowering
            business  operational  costs  and  improving  the  bottom

            We  are  grateful  for  such  a  positive  project  outcome
            and acknowledge the role of the 15 SME companies in
            Singapore involved in the project., We are truly thankful
            for their support to the ESI teams from ITE. In Singapore,
            there  are  approximately  219,000  SMEs.  If  all  SMEs  in
            Singapore  carried  out  similar  practices,  there  would
            be significant reductions in Singapore’s CO emissions.
            The project truly represents a win-win outcome for the
            environment and Singapore’s aspirations to develop a
            green economy!

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