Page 14 - Shaping A Sustainable Future
P. 14

Good Environmental Practices                         Presentation of Data

            We found that the stakeholders have been doing their   •   Average energy consumption for Desalination and
            part for environmental conservation at the coffee shop        NEWater process  = 1.95 kWh/m 3
            during the review. Actions include:                  •  Energy consumption of wastewater treatment =
                                                                      0.5 kWh/m 3
            1. The area is well illuminated by natural lighting. Hence,   •  CO  emission per electricity generated =
            during  the  day,  not  all  of  the  lamps  are  switched  on.       0.41 kgCO /kWh
            Additional  lighting  provided  from  fluorescent  lamps
            is energy efficient, and this helps the coffee shop save
            energy and money.                                    Refer to Table 1 for the amount of water used, wastewater
                                                                 generated,  and  CO   emitted  before  implementing  the
            2.  The coffee shop is not air-conditioned. It uses ceiling   proposed solution.
            fans  to  ventilate the  entire  area.  Hence, this  helps  to
            reduce the usage of energy in the coffee shop.       Eco-Solutions

            3.  The  food  inventories  are  purchased  and  checked
            twice a week. There is no over-ordering or unnecessary   The team discussed the environmental aspects with the
            wastage of food. The food inventories are kept in the   coffee  shop  management.  They  agreed  on  the  factors
            refrigerator to ensure no spoilage and wastage of food.  identified  and  recognised  that  too  much  water  and
                                                                 dishwashing  detergent  used  when  cleaning  the  dirty
            4R – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recreate                utensils and dishes. They were not aware of the right
                                                                 amount of dishwashing detergent and water to be used.

            The  packaging  materials  used  in  the  coffee  shop  are   Hence, when excessive dishwashing detergent is used, it
            reusable and recyclable. The metal drink cans and glass   needs more water to rinse off the detergent. This leads
            bottles  are  collected  separately  and  recycled  by  the   to  more  wastewater  being  released  to  the  sewerage
            stallholders. Recycling and reusing packaging material,   system.
            such as plastic containers, can also be performed by the

                      Resource               Annual Usage            Conversion Factor       Annual CO  Emissions
                                       Original washing, water usage   1.95 kWh/m x 0.41 kgCO /kWh
             Water                                                                 2      116.36 kgCO
                                       per annum for four stalls: 146m 3  = 0.797 kgCO /m 3        2
                                       146,000 L + 1314 L = 147,314 L =  0.5k Wh/m x 0.41 kgCO /kWh =
             Waste (Detergent waste water)                                        2       30.05 kgCO
                                       147.314 m 3              0.204 kgCO /m 3                   2
             Total annual CO  emissions                                                   146.41 kgCO
                        2                                                                          2
                        Table 1: Summary of annual CO  emissions before the implementation of proposed eco-solution
   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19