P. 21

7. getw():
           Used to read an integer value from a file.
           Example:
               int n;
               n = getw(fptr);

        8. putw():
           Used to write an integer value to a file.
           Example:
               putw(6, fptr);

        9. fscanf():
           File scanf().
           Used to read data from a file.
           Example:
               fscanf(fptr, “%d %s %f”, &rollno, name, &percentage);

        10. fprintf():
           File printf().
           Used to write data to a file.
           Example:
               fprintf(fptr, “%d %s %f”, rollno, name, percentage);

        13. Explain the important functions available in <ctype.h> header file.   OR   Explain the character
        oriented functions. *

        Character Oriented Functions:
         Character oriented functions are stored in the ctype.h header file.

        1. isdigit():
           Used to check whether a given character is a digit or not.
           General Form:

                        int  isdigit(c);

           Example 1:
               c = ‘6’;                     Output:
               int  n = isdigit(c);         n = 1 (non-zero)

           Example 2:
               c = ‘K’                      Output:
               int  n = isdigit(c);         n = 0

        2. isalpha():
           Used to check whether a given character is an alphabet or not.
           General Form:

                        int  isalpha(c);

           Example 1:
               c = ‘K’;                     Output:
               int  n = isalpha(c);         n = 1 (non-zero)
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