P. 22
Example 2:
c = ‘6’; Output:
int n = isalpha(c); n = 0
3. isupper():
Used to check whether a given character is in upper case or not.
General Form:
int isupper(c);
Example 1:
c = ‘K’; Output:
int n = isupper(c); n = 1 (non-zero)
Example 2:
c = ‘k’; Output:
int n = isupper(c); n = 0
4. islower():
Used to check whether a given character is in lower case or not.
General Form:
int islower(c);
Example 1:
c = ‘k’; Output:
int n = islower(c); n = 1 (non-zero)
Example 2:
c = ‘K’ Output:
int n = islower(c); n = 0
5. ispunct():
Used to check whether a given character is a punctuation character or not.
General Form:
int ispunct(c);
Example 1:
c = ‘.’; Output:
int n = ispunct(c); n = 1 (non-zero)
Example 2:
c = ‘K’; Output:
int n = ispunct(c); n = 0
14. Explain storage classes. *
Storage Classes:
Storage class defines the scope and lifetime of a variable.
Scope of Variable – how widely a variable is known among the functions in a program.
Lifetime of Variable – how long a variable retains its value.