Page 29 - INaT_Winter17_flipbook
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Cede’s Cup

                                  presents                                    “      Our roaster

             Caleri’s coffee                                                      has a passion

                                                                                  for finding the

                                                                                  perfect roast.

          inside the bean don’t have          flavored, to make a dessert         great choice. Most independent
          enough time to caramelize. Ar-      coffee. Special coffee oils are     roasters roast small batches at
          riving at the perfect combina-      used, coating the beans before      a time for maximum freshness,
          tion, can take many trials and      grinding. A lighter roast is used   and attention to flavor.
          large quantities of beans. There    so as not to overpower the             Caleri’s Café and Bakery in
          are many variations that come       flavor being added. A careful       Roanoke, Illinois has been in
          into play, and change depend-       balance is needed so that the       business for six years. At the
          ing on the bean, it’s origin, and   flavor does not overtake the        beginning of 2015 the op-
          desired roast. As a result many     bean as well.                       portunity arose to purchase
          roasters are reluctant to share        Fresh roasted, fresh ground      a roaster from a local group,
          profiles and knowledge.             coffee can not be emphasized        and allow us control over our
             Fresh beans are allowed          enough for those looking for        coffee. Our roaster has a pas-
          to sit for 2 days to allow gases    a great cup of coffee. Ideally,     sion for finding the perfect
          from the roasting process to        fresh coffee beans are kept in      roast, whether you drink drip,
          evaporate. The valves that you      a cool dark place, and ground       pour over, espresso, or one of
          thought were to allow smelling      with a quality burr grinder im-     many other methods of brew-
          of the coffee, are actually there   mediately before brewing. Of        ing. Stop by and try a cup to
          to allow the coffee to de-gas       course a good coffee bean with      see what a difference it makes,
          when it is bagged soon after        the right properties is needed.     or order a pound online at:
          roasting. Some beans are also       Locally sourced coffee is a great

     savings on

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