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P. 36


                inspiring ventures
                                                       beverage review

         IllInoIs BrewerIes                                                                      BY: JON KAISER
                                                                                                 General Manager
                                                                                                 Bloomington, Illinois

             If you’re looking to drink local, there are a      Pipeworks Ninja vs Unicorn
          growing number of breweries operating in Illi-           Brewed in Chicago and brand new to the cen-
          nois that are marketed locally, regionally, and       tral Illinois market, Ninja vs Unicorn is an Amer-
          nationally. The range of styles of beer brewed                     ican double IPA brewed with over five pounds
          in Illinois are wide and extensive. From German,      of hops per barrel. This beer doesn’t come off
          to Belgian, to Latin inspired brews and beyond,       as a heavy brew despite it’s 8 percent ABV – the
          Illinois is a strong competitor in the national       mouthfeel is very well balanced and not over-
          craft beer market. In an analysis from 2015 by        bearing. Being an unfiltered double IPA, it pours
          Crain’s Chicago Business, Chicago had 144 craft       a hazy dark golden color with a thick creamy
          breweries and Chicago’s craft brewers occupied        head. Displaying notes of grapefruit, melon, and
          more square feet of commercial real estate than       oranges on the palate with a caramel malty un-
          those of any other US city. Although the number       dertone, it finishes with just a hint of pine.
          of craft breweries across the state is large and
          continuing to grow, most of these operations
          are small. Unlike Chicago’s famous Goose Island       Destihl Weissenheimer Hefeweizen
          which was purchased by Anheuser-Busch InBev               From right here in Bloomington/Normal, the
          in 2011, a large number of Illinois craft breweries   Destihl Weissenheimer is a classic German-style
          are only able to produce enough beer to support a can! At a tad over 5 percent
          the local market. This can be great for those who     ABV, it’s a great beer for you beer drinkers who
          like to travel as you can find a different selection   prefer something on the lighter side. The Weis-
          of local beers on the shelves depending on what       senheimer pours a light golden color with an
          town you’re in. Luckily for those who don’t like                                                                                              appropriate amount of yeasty haze for a wheat
          to venture too far to find great beer, a few of       beer. On the palate is notes of bready wheat, ba-
          these sought after breweries in Illinois are ex-      nanas, lemon rind, and a hint of orange.
          panding with the help of local support for their
          products. Their expansion is helping to fuel an       Bent River Jalapeno Ale
          increase in production and distribution of some
          really unique and fantastic brews.                        With a brewpub in Moline Illinois, and bot-
             Pipeworks Brewing Company out of Chicago           tling line and taproom in Rock Island, Bent River
          just recently became available in central Illinois    has become a popular Illinois brewery amongst
          and demand is high. Not surprising since their        central Illinois beer drinkers. If you’re like me
                                                                and can’t resist the urge to try anything that has
          beers are fantastic! Also, Half Acre (also out of
                                                                hot peppers mixed in, you should give this one a
          Chicago) is set to make its central Illinois debut
                                                                try. Pouring a dark amber color with a head that
          within two weeks from me writing this article
                                                                quickly dissipates, you don’t get much jalapeno
          with their fantastic portfolio of beers finally mak-
                                                                on the nose, but once you take a sip you’ll feel
          ing their way to Binny’s in Bloomington. And lets
                                                                it! Once you get past the spice, the beer finishes
          not forget Destihl, a central Illinois favorite which
                                                                with a yeasty and sweet malt note. Although the
          began distributing their beers to retailers across
                                                                jalapeno ale is somewhat of a novelty beer that
          the state just within the last few years. Recently
                                                                one couldn’t drink all night, it’s certainly some-
          at Binny’s I sampled through a few Illinois beers
          regularly available at Binny’s in Bloomington that
                                                                for something to pair with loaded nachos.
          you should give a try next time you’re looking for
          something unique and local to try!                    thing different to try next time you’re looking

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